Man pages for jannes-m/RQGIS
Integrating R with QGIS

check_appsChecking paths to QGIS applications
check_for_serverCheck if RQGIS is loaded on a server
commCommunity matrix of the Mt. Mongón
demDigital elevation model (DEM) of the Mongón study area.
find_algorithmsFind and list available QGIS algorithms
get_args_manGet GIS arguments and respective default values
get_extentRetrieve the joint extent of all specified spatial objects
get_optionsGet options of parameters for a specific GIS option
get_usageGet usage of a specific QGIS geoalgorithm
ndviNormalized difference vegetation index for the Mongón study...
open_appOpen a QGIS application
open_grass_helpOpen the GRASS online help
open_helpAccess the QGIS/GRASS online help for a specific (Q)GIS...
pass_argsSpecifying QGIS geoalgorithm parameters the R way
qgis_session_infoQGIS session info
random_pointsRandom points.
reset_pathReset PATH
RQGIS-packageRQGIS: Integrating R with QGIS
run_iniReproduce o4w_env.bat script in R
run_qgisInterface to QGIS commands
save_spatial_objectsSave spatial objects
set_envRetrieve the environment settings to run QGIS from within R
setup_linuxSet all Linux paths necessary to start QGIS
setup_macSet all Mac paths necessary to start QGIS
setup_winSet all Windows paths necessary to start QGIS
study_areaMask of the study area
jannes-m/RQGIS documentation built on April 19, 2020, 11:41 p.m.