API for jantonelli111/HDconfounding
High dimensional confounding adjustment with continuous spike and slab priors

Global functions
BayesSSL Source code
BayesSSLBinary Source code
BayesSSLHetero Source code
BayesSSLHeteroBinary Source code
BayesSSLem Source code
BayesSSLemBinary Source code
BayesSSLemHetero Source code
BayesSSLemHeteroBinary Source code
LogTheta Source code
SSL Man page Source code
SSLBinary Man page Source code
SSLhetero Man page Source code
SSLheteroBinary Man page Source code
WAIChetero Source code
WAIChomo Source code
expit Source code
pStar Source code
jantonelli111/HDconfounding documentation built on Jan. 14, 2020, 9:16 p.m.