Data Visualization I (ggplot2)

Before we get back into graphics, it is important to understand some of the fundamentals behind what R is doing.

Please open the 02_graphics.R script in your working directory. If you cannot find this file, you may need to do some or all of the following:

setwd(choose.dir(getwd())) # change your working directory
ISDSWorkshop::workshop()   # write the files (and open up the workshop outline)

Data types

Objects in R can be broadly classified according to their dimensions:

and according to the type of variable they contain:


Scalars have a single value assigned to the object in R.

a = 3.14159265 
b = "ISDS Workshop" 
c = TRUE

Print the objects



The c() function creates a vector in R

a = c(1,2,-5,3.6)
b = c("ISDS","Workshop")

To determine the length of a vector in R use length()


To determine the type of a vector in R use class()


Vector construction

Create a numeric vector that is a sequence using : or seq().

seq(from = 2, to = 5, by = .05)

Another useful function to create vectors is rep()

rep(1:4, times = 2)
rep(1:4, each  = 2)
rep(1:4, each  = 2, times = 2)

Arguments to functions in R can be referenced either by position or by name or both. The safest and easiest to read approach is to name all your arguments. I will often name all but the first argument.

Accessing vector elements

Elements of a vector can be accessed using brackets, e.g. [index].

a = c("one","two","three","four","five")

Alternatively we can access elements using a logical vector where only TRUE elements are accessed.


You can also remove elements using a negative sign -.


Modifying elements of a vector

You can assign new values to elements in a vector using = or <-.

a[2] = "twenty-two"
a[3:4] = "three-four" # assigns "three-four" to both the 3rd and 4th elements
a[c(3,5)] = c("thirty-three","fifty-five")


Matrices can be constructed using cbind(), rbind(), and matrix():

m1 = cbind(c(1,2), c(3,4))       # Column bind
m2 = rbind(c(1,3), c(2,4))       # Row bind

all.equal(m1, m2)

m3 = matrix(1:4, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
all.equal(m1, m3)

m4 = matrix(1:4, nrow = 2, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
all.equal(m3, m4)


Accessing matrix elements

Elements of a matrix can be accessed using brackets separated by a comma, e.g. [row index, column index].

m = matrix(1:12, nrow=3, ncol=4)

Multiple elements can be accessed at once


If no row (column) index is provided, then the whole row (column) is accessed.


Like vectors, you can eliminate rows (or columns)


Be careful not to forget the comma, e.g.


You can also construct an object with more than 2 dimensions using the array() function.

Cannot mix types

You cannot mix types within a vector, matrix, or array


The number 1 is in quotes indicating that R is treating it as a character rather than a numeric.


The logicals are converted to numeric (0 for FALSE and 1 for TRUE).

c(TRUE, 1, "a")

Everything is converted to a character.


Reconstruct the following matrix using the matrix() function, then

  1. Print the element in the 3rd-row and 4th column
  2. Print the 2nd column
  3. Print all but the 3rd row
m = rbind(c(1, 12, 8, 6),
          c(4, 10, 2, 9),
          c(11, 3, 5, 7))
# Reconstruct the matrix 

# Print the element in the 3rd-row and 4th column

# Print the 2nd column

# Print all but the 3rd row

When you have completed the activity, compare your results to the solutions.

Data frames

A data.frame is a special type of matrix that allows different data types in different columns.

We have already seen a data.frame with our GI data set. Let's read this data in again and take a look.


# may need to change your working directory 
# check your working directory using 
# getwd()
# and choose a directory using
# setwd(choose.dir(getwd()))

workshop(write_scripts = FALSE, launch_index = FALSE)
GI = read.csv("GI.csv")

Access data.frame elements

A data.frame can be accessed just like a matrix, e.g. [row index, column index].

GI[1:2, 3:4]

data.frames can also be accessed by column names

GI[1:2, c("facility","icd9","gender")]


GI %>% 
  select(facility, icd9, gender) %>%
  head(n = 2)

The %>% (pipe) operator allows chaining of commands by passing the result of the previous command as the first argument of the next command. This makes code much easier to read. Two equivalent approaches that are harder to read are

# Approach 1
head(select(GI, facility, icd9, gender), n = 2)

# Approach 2
GI_select <- select(GI, facility, icd9, gender)
head(GI_select, n = 2)

When there are long strings of commands, using the %>% (pipe) operator makes code much easier to read. See here for more background and information.

Different data types in different columns

The function str() allows you to see the structure of any object in R. Using str() on a data.frame object tells you

  1. that the object is a data.frame,
  2. the number of rows and columns,
  3. the names of each column,
  4. each column's data type, and
  5. the first few elements in that column.


A factor is a data type that represents a categorical variable.

The default is for any character vector to be converted to a factor when read using read.csv() or read.table(). You can change this behavior by setting stringsAsFactors = FALSE and this is the default in readr::read_csv().

Internally, R codes a factor as an integer and then keeps a table that contains the conversion from that integer into the actual value of the factor.

levels(GI$gender)          # internal table
as.numeric(GI$gender[1:3]) # internal coding

Converting a numeric variable into a factor

When a categorical variable is encoded as a numeric variable in the original data set, R reads them in as numeric. To convert them to a factor use as.factor() or factor().

GI$facility = as.factor(GI$facility)

Converting back to the original numeric variable

To obtain the original numeric variable use as.character() and as.numeric()

head(as.character(GI$facility))             # This returns the levels as a character vector
head(as.numeric(as.character(GI$facility))) # This returns the original numeric factor levels

Creating your own factor

Use the cut() function to create a factor from a continuous variable.

GI$ageC = cut(GI$age, c(-Inf, 5, 18, 45 ,60, Inf)) # Inf is infinity

This created a new variable in the GI data.frame called ageC.


In order to use dates properly, they need to be converted into type Date.

GI$date = as.Date(GI$date)

as.Date() will attempt to read dates as "%Y-%m-%d" then "%Y/%m/%d". If neither works, it will give an error.


You can specify other date patterns, e.g.

as.Date("12/09/14", format="%m/%d/%y")

For those who work with dates often, check out the lubridate package. To convert from dates to MMWR weeks, check out the MMWRweek package.


Create a new variable in the GI data set called icd9code that cuts icd9 at 0, 140, 240, 280, 290, 320, 360, 390, 460, 520, 580, 630, 680, 710, 740, 760, 780, 800, 1000, and Inf. Find the icd9code that is the most numerous in the GI data set.

# Create icd9code

# Find the icd9code that is most numerous

When you have completed the activity, compare your results to the solutions.

Reshaping data frames in R

There are two general representations of tabular data.


d = data.frame(week = 1:3, 
               GI = c(246,195,212), 
               ILI = c(948, 1020, 1024))

which is a succinct representation of the data


d %>% 
  gather(key = syndrome, value = count, -week)

which is the form most statistical software wants, i.e. there is only one column for the response (count).

Wide to long

The tidyr package provides functions to convert between the two representations. First, we need to load the package


Create the wide data.frame:

d = data.frame(week = 1:3, 
               GI   = c(246,195,212), 
               ILI  = c(948, 1020, 1024))

To turn the data.frame into long format, use gather().

m <- d %>%
  gather(key = syndrome, # Creates a column called syndrome
         value = count,  # Creates a column called count
         -week)          # Keeps the column `week` as a column
                         # All other columns (GI and ILI) are gathered

This approach is useful if there are a lot of columns that need to be gathered but only a few that need to remain as columns. If the opposite is true, i.e. there are only a few columns to be gathered and a lot that need to remain as columns, use

m2 <- d %>%
  gather(key = syndrome, # Creates a column called syndrome
         value = count,  # Creates a column called count
         GI, ILI)        # Gathers these columns


Long to wide

If we want to convert back, use spread()

m %>%
  spread(key = syndrome, value = count)

I find that I use the gather function much more often than I use the spread function because data are usually stored in a succinct format but then I need the data in long format for summaries or figures or statistical analyses.

Aggregating data frames in R

The GI data set that we have is already in long format and each row is an individual. We may want to aggregate this information. To do so, we will use the group_by() and summarize() functions in the dplyr package.


For example, perhaps we wanted to know the total number of GI or ILI cases across the 3 weeks:

m %>%                           # We need to use the melted (long) version of the data set
  group_by(syndrome) %>%        # Do the following for each syndrome
  summarize(total = sum(count)) # Calculate `total` which is the sum of count for each syndrome

Aggregating the GI data set

Let's aggregate the GI data set by week, gender, and age category.

First, we need to create weeks

GI$date = as.Date(GI$date) # Make sure the dates are actually dates
GI$week = cut(GI$date, 
              breaks = "weeks", 
              start.on.monday = TRUE) 

Now we can summarize

GI_count <- GI %>%                 # each row is a single observation
  group_by(week, gender, ageC) %>% # split the data by these variables
  summarize(total = n())           # this counts the number of rows, see ?n

head(GI_count, 20)


Aggregate the GI data set by gender, ageC, and icd9code (the ones created in the last activity).

# Aggregate our GI data set by gender, ageC, and icd9code (the ones created in the last activity).

When you have completed the activity, compare your results to the solutions.

Basics of ggplot2

Previously we produced graphics using the base graphics system. Although I still use this for producing quick plots, I invariably end up using the ggplot2 package. This package requires a data.frame in long format.

Load the ggplot2 package



A basic histogram in ggplot

ggplot(data = GI, aes(x = age)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 1)

For code that looks more similar to the histogram code we saw before, you can use

qplot(data = GI, x = age, geom = "histogram", binwidth = 1)

Many websites and even the ggplot2 manual have examples using qplot. I believe this is mainly to ease the transition for individuals who are familiar with base graphics. If you are just starting out with R, I recommend using the ggplot function in ggplot2 from the beginning.


A basic boxplot

ggplot(data = GI, aes(x = 1, y = age)) + geom_boxplot()

Multiple boxplots

ggplot(GI, aes(x = facility, y = age)) + geom_boxplot()


ggplot(GI, aes(x=date, y=age)) + geom_point()

Bar charts

With ggplot, there is no need to count first.

ggplot(GI, aes(x=facility)) + geom_bar()

An appealing aspect of `ggplot is that once the data is in the correct format it is easy to construct lots of different plots.


Construct a histogram and boxplot for age at facility 37 using ggplot2.

# Construct a histogram for age at facility 37.

# Construct a boxplot for age at facility 37. 

Construct a bar chart for the 3-digit zipcode at facility 37 using ggplot2

# Construct a bar chart for the 3-digit zipcode at facility 37 

When you have completed the activity, compare your results to the solutions.

Customizing ggplot2 plots

There are many ways to customize the appearance of ggplot2 plots:


ggplot(GI, aes(x = age)) + 
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1, color = 'blue',   fill = 'yellow')
ggplot(GI, aes(x=date, y=age)) + 
  geom_point(color = 'purple')

To find all the colors that R knows, use



ggplot(GI, aes(x = facility, y = age)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  labs(x     = 'Facility ID', 
       y     = 'Age (in years)', 
       title = 'Age by Facility ID')


ggplot(GI, aes(x=date, y=age)) + geom_point(shape = 2, color = 'red')

ggplot2 uses the same shape codes as base graphics, see


Line types

Here I am also using a trick of setting up part of the plot and assigning it to the object g. Then you can add elements to the plot and if you don't assign it, the plot will be shown.

g = ggplot(GI %>% 
             group_by(week) %>%
             summarize(count = n()), 
           aes(x = as.numeric(week), 
               y = count)) +
  labs(x = 'Week #', 
       y = 'Weekly count')

g + geom_line()
g + geom_line(size=2, color='firebrick', linetype=2)

Linetype options can be found in ?par under lty. But it is probably more informative to just google it, e.g.


g = g + geom_line(size = 1, color = 'firebrick')
g + theme_bw()

For other themes, see


Getting help on ggplot2

Although the general R help can still be used, e.g.


It is much more helpful to google for an answer

ggplot2 line colors

The top hits will all have the code along with what the code produces.

Helpful sites

These sites all provide code. The first two also provide the plots that are produced.


Play around with ggplot2 to see what kind of plots you can make.

jarad/ISDSWorkshop documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:39 p.m.