
#' Flashcard data
#' Each flashcard session, 5 minutes were given to correctly identifying the
#' addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division answer for the 100 (90
#' for division) containing the single decimal digits, e.g. for addition the
#' cards ranged from 0+0 to 9+9. The cards were haphazardly shuffled and the
#' number of correctly identified result is record with a maximum of 100 in
#' which case the total time for all 100 cards was recorded. The flash cards
#' for incorrect answers were moved to the back to allow the student extra
#' attempts if time permitted.
#' @format A data.frame with 5 variables: date, student, card, count, and
#'   minutes.
#' @author Jarad Niemi, \email{niemi@iastate.edu}
jarad/flashcardData documentation built on May 18, 2019, 3:45 p.m.