mrankdist: Mean Rank Shift Between Pairs of Sites

mrankdistR Documentation

Mean Rank Shift Between Pairs of Sites


Function calculates the mean rank shift between decreasing rank orders of species (columns). The averaging is done by the number of species occurring in both compared sites, and the results are returned as dissimilarities.


mrankdist(x, missing = TRUE)



The input data.


If TRUE, missing species (zero abundance) will not be used in comparing rank shifts, but rank shifts are only compared for species that occur in both compared SUs. If FALSE, the missing species are given tied rank as last species.


Collins, S.L, Suding, K.N., Cleland, E.E., Batty, M., Pennings, S.C., Gross, K.L., Grace, J.B., Gough, L., Fargione, J.E. & Clark, C.M. (2008). Rank clocks and plant community dynamics. Ecology 89, 3534–3541.

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