Man pages for jaropis/HRAexplorer
HRA and HRV explorer

calculate_data_addressesfunction to get initial data addresses
check_for_formatFunction checking if the uploaded files are Excel files
collect_unique_flagsFunction collecting unique flags to be used in beat type...
correct_dashesFunction correcting dashes in col names so that it looks...
description_stringfunction returning Poincare descriptors to be shown on the...
flags_and_codesList with usual flags coding
get_comparisons_in_windowed_resultsFunction extracting which comparisons can be applied to a...
get_dynamic_numerical_resultsexport function to get analysis results
get_dynamic_pp_resultsfunction for getting the results of dynamic Poincare Plot...
get_dynamic_quality_resultsfunction for getting the results of dynamic Poincare Plot...
get_dynamic_runs_resultsfunction for getting the results of dynamic runs analysis
get_dynamic_spectral_resultsfunction for getting the results of Poincare Plot analysis
get_numerical_resultsexport function to get analysis results
get_pp_resultsfunction for getting the results of Poincare Plot analysis
get_quality_resultsfunction for getting the results of Poincare Plot analysis
get_results_matrixfunction to get results matrix
get_runs_resultsfunction for getting the results of monotonic runs analysis
get_sepfunction to read the separator from input - it is either what...
get_single_pp_windowed_resultsFunction calculating windowed hrvhra results for a single RR...
get_single_quality_windowed_resultsFunction calculating windowed quality results for a single RR...
get_single_runs_windowed_resultsFunction calculating windowed runs results for a single RR...
get_single_spectral_windowed_resultsFunction calculating windowed spectral results for a single...
get_spectral_resultsfunction for getting the results of Poincare Plot analysis
glb_time_functionstime window functions as a list
grapes-or-or-grapesalternative for null
loaderFunction running loader/spinner
not_naFunction for use in Filter equivalent to !
poincare_description_stringfunction returning Poincare descriptors to be shown on the...
pujFunction formatting p-values - copied from my package...
raw_read_one_fileFunction to read one file raw, without any pre or post...
read_and_filter_one_filefunction to read and filter a single file containing rr...
read_numbers_from_fieldfunction to read numbers from input windows
round_and_summarize_dynamic_asymFunction adding dynamic asymmetry tests and rounding values
runHRAexplorerFunction running the application from package
runs_description_stringfunction returning Poincare descriptors
sample_tableFunction producing sample table for preview
shuffle_in_windowsFunction shuffling data in windows if necessary
sort_ardrnSorting function for runs
sort_out_NAsFunction checking wheter a NA should be replaced with 0 or...
sort_out_runsFunction to sort out the coluns of the runs results table
sort_psSorting function for comparisons
jaropis/HRAexplorer documentation built on March 20, 2024, 7:05 a.m.