Man pages for jasp-stats/JASPTools
Helps preview and debug JASP analyses

analysisOptionsObtain options to run JASP analyses with.
expect_equal_plotsCompares JASP plots in unit tests.
expect_equal_tablesCompares JASP tables in unit tests.
installJaspModulesInstall all JASP analysis modules from jasp-stats
installJaspPkgInstall a JASP R package from jasp-stats
makeTestTableAids in the creation of tests for tables.
manageTestPlotsVisually inspect failed test plots.
runAnalysisRun a JASP analysis in R.
runTestsTravisRun tests on Travis.
setPkgOptionChange the value of an option in jaspTools.
setupJaspToolsSetup the jaspTools package.
testAllTest all analyses in the currently monitored modules.
testAnalysisTest a specific JASP analysis.
viewView the tables and plots in a results object.
viewPkgOptionsView the configuration of jaspTools.
jasp-stats/JASPTools documentation built on June 3, 2024, 7:29 a.m.