
Bayesian Unidimensional Reliability Analysis

The Bayesian unidimensional reliability analysis allows the user to test the scale's ability to consistently measure a unidimensional construct. In other words the analysis indicates the amount of error captured in the measurement.


Variables Box

Scale Statistics

The CTT-coefficients alpha, lambda 2, lambda 6, and the glb are computed from the data covariance matrix. Coefficient omega is computed from the centered data matrix.

Individual Item Statistics

Plot posteriors

Display the posterior densities of the reliability coeffcients - Fix range to 0-1: fix the x-axis of the plot to the interval [0, 1] - Display priors: display the prior distributions of the coefficients

Probability for


MCMC parameters



Since sampling from the posterior distribution is subjected to random processes, one can set a seed so that the background calculations in R yield equal results for equal seeds



CTT-Coefficients (α, λ2, λ6, glb)

The prior distributions for alpha, lambda2, lambda6, the glb, and the average inter-item correlation are induced by the prior distribution on the covariance matrix, which, by default, is an inverse Wishart distribution with the identity matrix as a scaling matrix and the number of items k as the degrees of freedom.

McDonald's ω residual variances

The prior distribution on McDonald’s omega is induced by the prior distributions on the single-factor model parameters, which are: a normal distribution centered on zero for the factor loadings and scores; an inverse gamma distribution with shape=2 and scale=1 for the residuals; and for the variance of the latent variables an inverse Wishart distribution with the number of items k as a scaling matrix (scalar, since it is of dimension one) and k+2 as the degrees of freedom.

Reverse-Scaled Items

This allows the user to select reverse-scaled items that need to be recoded.

Advanced Options

Missing Values

McDonald's omega Estimation


Carl F. Falk & Victoria Savalei (2011) The relationship between unstandardized and standardized alpha, true reliability, and the underlying measurement model, Journal of Personality Assessment, 93(5), 445-453.

Hayashi, K. and Kamata, A. 2005. A note on the estimator of the alpha coefficient for standardized variables under normality. Psychometrika, 70, 579–586.

Sun, W., Chou, C. P., Stacy, A. W., Ma, H., Unger, J. and Gallaher, P. 2007. SAS and SPSS macros to calculate standardized Cronbach's alpha using the upper bound of the phi coefficient for dichotomous items. Behavior Research Methods, 39, 71–81.

Moss, J. (2020). Please avoid the standardized alpha and the ordinal alpha.

Warrens, M.J. Some relationships between Cronbach’s alpha and the Spearman-Brown formula. Journal of Classification, 32, 127–137 (2015).

Posterior point estimate



Bayesian Scale Reliability Statistics:

Bayesian Individual Item Reliability Statistics:

Probability that Reliability Statistic is Larger Than...:

Fit Measures of the Single-Factor Model

Standardized loadings of the Single-Factor Model:


Posterior Plots

If Item Dropped Posterior Plots:

Posterior Predictive Check Omega:

Convergence Traceplot:


R Packages


Go to: Open --> Data Library --> 13. Reliability --> ASRM - Mania Scale.

jasp-stats/Reliability documentation built on July 13, 2024, 8:03 a.m.