
Repeated Measures ANOVA

The repeated Measures ANOVA allows the user to analyze the differences between means, when observations are dependent.



Assignment Box



Assumption checks


For each repeated measures factor, a specific contrast can be selected by clicking on none in the right column. Contrasts specified here only apply to the contrast table, not to the main analysis. - Factors: These are the repeated measures factors included in the analysis. - Contrasts: Contrasts enable the analysis of planned comparisons. There are different contrasts that enable different types of comparisons: - none: By selecting this option, no contrasts are calculated. This option is selected by default. - deviation: By selecting this contrast, the mean of each level of the repeated measures factor is compared to the overall mean (the mean when all the levels are taken together). - simple: When this contrast is selected, the mean of each level is compared to the mean of a specified level, for example with the mean of the control group. - difference: This contrast is also called reverse Helmert. By selecting this contrast, the mean of each level is compared to the mean of the previous levels. - Helmert: When this contrast is selected, the mean of each level is compared to the mean of the subsequent levels. This is the reverse of the difference contrast. - repeated: By selecting this contrast, the mean of each level is compared to the mean of the following level. - polynomial: This contrast tests polynomial trends in the data. The specific polynomial that will be used for the analysis depends on the number of levels of the repeated measures factor. The degree of the trend used for the analysis is the number of levels minus 1. Therefore, if the repeated measures factor consist of 2 levels, a linear trend is analysed. If the repeated measures factor consists of three levels, a quadratic trend is analysed in addition to the linear trend. - custom: Here, the contrast weights can be specified manually. Some weights need to be non-zero. - Pool error term for follow-up tests: By selecting this option, the univariate linear model, rather than the multivariate model, will be used for follow-up tests (contrasts, post-hoc tests, marginal means). Caution: multivariate models (i.e., unpooled error terms) handle departures from sphericity better, since these models allow the standard errors to differ for each level of the repeated measure(s) factor(s). - Confidence interval: Confidence interval for the location parameter and effect size. By default, the confidence interval is set to 95%. This can be changed into the desired percentage. - Effect size: Include standardized mean differences, based on the effectsize function in the emmeans package.

Post Hoc Tests

Descriptives Plots

To create a descriptive plot, select the repeated measures factor to be placed on the horizontal axis. If there are more than one repeated measures factor, the variables can be displayed in one plot by putting the other variable in the box Separate lines, or the variables can be displayed in separate plots by selecting the other variable in the box Separate plots. - Factors: The repeated measures factor included in the analysis. - Horizontal axis: Select the repeated measures factor that should be displayed on the horizontal axis of the plot. - Separate lines: By placing a repeated measures factor in this box, different lines corresponding to the different levels of the repeated measures factor will be displayed. - Separate plots: By placing a repeated measures factor in this box, different plots corresponding to the different levels of the repeated measures factor will be displayed. - Label y-axis: The label of the y-axis can be changed manually. - Display: - Display error bars: By selecting this option, error bars will be displayed in the plot. The error bars can either represent confidence intervals or standard errors. - Confidence interval: This option is selected by default. With this option, the error bars will represent confidence intervals of the mean of each level combination of the repeated measures factors. By default the confidence interval is set to 95%, but this can be changed into the desired percentage. - Standard error: By selecting this option, the error bars will represent standard errors of the mean of each level combination of the repeated measures factor. - Average across unused RM factors: When there are multiple RM factors in the model, but only plotting a subset of these factors, the mean is taken across the unused RM factors. For instance, when there are two RM factors with two levels in the model, A (1&2) and B (1&2), and only A is selected to be plotted, the average is taken of B across its levels. This means that when the mean of A1 is plotted, it is actually the average of A1B1 and A1B2). This procedure is discussed by Loftus & Masson (1994). When the box is not ticked, the averages are not taken, and the columns A1B1 and A1B2 are simply concatenated. - Normalize error bars: In order to get accurate confidence intervals and standard errors, the data are normalized by subtracting the appropriate participantʹs mean performance from each observation, and then adding the grand mean score to every observation. The variances of the resulting normalized values in each condition, and thus the size of the bars, no longer depend on the participant effects and are therefore a more accurate representation of the experimental manipulation. See Morey (2008) for a thorough discussion of this procedure.

Bar Plots

Marginal Means

Simple Main Effects

The simple main effects represent the effect of one repeated measure factor for each level of the other repeated measures factor, by conducting an ANOVA for each subset of the data as specified by the moderator variables. - Factors: This box contains all the repeated measures factors included in the analysis. - Simple effect factor: In this box, select the repeated measures factor to determine the effect of this variable, conditional on the levels of the moderator factor(s). - Moderator factor 1: In this box, select the repeated measures factor that will represent the different levels. - Moderator factor 2: In this box, selector an optional, additional repeated measures factor. - Pool error terms: A pooled error term assumes that the variances of the contrast scores are approximately equal (i.e., sphericity assumption).


The Friedman test is a non-parametric alternative to the Repeated-Measures ANOVA when there is a complete block design. The Durbin test will automatically be selected when there is an incomplete block design. - Factors: This box contains all the repeated measures factors included in the analysis. - RM factor: The repeated measures factor(s) of interest. - Optional Grouping Factor: Possible to select the between subjects factor here. - Conover's post hoc tests: Conover's post-hoc test for pairwise comparisons, if the non-parametric test indicates significance.


Repeated Measures ANOVA

Within Subject Effects: - Sphericity Correction: The selected corrections when the assumption of sphericity is not met. - Sum of Squares: The summed squared within group-mean differences. - df: Degrees of freedom - Mean Square: The estimate of population variance (the sum of squares divided by df's). - F: The value of the F-statistic. - p: p-value

Between Subjects Effects: - Sum of squares: The summed squared between group-mean differences. - df: Degrees of freedom - Mean Square: The estimate of population variance (the sum of squares divided by df's). - F: The value of the F-statistic. - p: The p-value.

Assumption Checks

Test of Sphericity: - Mauchly's W: Mauchly's test statistic. - p: p-value. - Greenhouse-Geisser ε: The Greennhouse-Geisser correction. A value of 1 indicates that sphericity holds and any value < 1 indicates sphericity is violated. - Huynh-Feldt ε: The Huynh-Feldt correction.


Deviation/Simple/Difference/Helmert/Repeated/Polynomial Contrast: - Comparison: The levels of the repeated measures factor that are compared. - Estimate: The estimated mean difference between the compared levels. - SE: The standard error of the estimated mean. - df: The degrees of freedom of the model. - t: The value of the t-statistic. - p: The p-value.

Post-Hoc Tests

Post Hoc Comparisons: - The first two columns represent the levels of the repeated measures factor that are compared with each other. - Mean Difference: The mean difference between the levels. - % CI for Mean Difference: The confidence interval of the mean difference between the compared levels. By default this is set to 95%. - Lower: The lower bound of the confidence interval. - Upper: The upper bound of the confidence interval. - SE: The standard error of the mean difference. - t: The value of the t-statistic. - Cohen's d: The effect size Cohen's d. Cohen's d does not correct for multiple comparisons. - ptukey: Tukey's corrected p-value for multiple comparisons. - pscheffe: Scheffe's corrected p-value for multiple comparisons. - pbonf: Bonferroni's corrected p-value for multiple comparisons. - pholm: Holm's corrected p-value for multiple comparisons.

Simple Main Effects: - Level: The levels/groups of the repeated measures factor that are compared with each other. - Sum of Squares: The summed squared between levels-mean differences. - df: The degrees of freedom of the model. - Mean Square: The estimate of population variance (the sum of squares divided by df's). - F: The value of the F-statistic. - p: The p-value.

Marginal Means

Marginal Means - Repeated measures factor: - The first column contains the levels of the repeated measures factor. - Marginal Mean: The marginal mean for each level of the repeated measures factor. This mean is adjusted for all the other variables in the model. - SE: The standard error of the marginal mean. - Lower CI: The lower bound of the confidence interval. - Upper CI: The upper bound of the confidence interval. - t: The value for the t-statistic. - p: The p-value.

Marginal Means via Bootstrapping

Bootstrapped Marginal Means - Repeated measures factor: - Repeated measures factor: This column contains all the levels of the repeated measures factor. - Marginal Mean: The estimate of the marginal mean for each level of the repeated measures factor. This mean is adjusted for all the other variables in the model. The estimate is based on the median of the bootstrap distribution. - Bias: The average difference between the bootstrapped marginal mean and the estimated marginal mean. - SE: The standard error of the bootstrapped marginal means. - 95% bca CI for Mean Difference: The bias corrected accelerated confidence interval of the mean difference between the compared levels. By default this is set to 95%. - Lower: The lower bound of the confidence interval. - Upper: The upper bound of the confidence interval.


Friedman Test / Durbin Test: - Factor: The repeated measures factor included in the analysis. - \u03a7\u00b2F: The Friedman chi-squared test statistic. - df: Degrees of Freedom. - p: The p-value. - Kendall's W: Kendall’s W Test is referred to the normalization of the Friedman/Durbin statistic. - F: The value of the F-statistic. - df num: Degrees of freedom used in determining the p-values of the F statistics. - df den: Degrees of freedom used in determining the p-values of the F statistics. - pf: The p-value of the F-statistic.

Conover's Post Hoc Comparisons: - The first two columns represent the levels/groups of the repeated measures factor that are compared to each other. - T-Stat: The test statistic that follows the t-distribution. - df: Degrees of Freedom. - Wi: Sum of the aggregated ranks of level 1. - Wj: Sum of the aggregated ranks of level 2. - rrb: Matched rank-biserial correlation. - p: The p-value. - pbonf: Bonferroni's corrected p-value for multiple comparisons. - pholm: Holm's corrected p-value for multiple comparisons.

Descriptive plots

The independent variable / repeated measures factor on the x-axis and dependent variable on the y-axis. If other repeated measures factors are included, either different lines representing different values of the other repeated measures factor are displayed in the same plot, or different plots representing different values of the other repeated measures factor are displayed.

Bar plots

The independent variable / repeated measures factor on the x-axis and dependent variable on the y-axis. If other repeated measures factors are included, different plots representing different values of the other repeated measures factor are displayed.



jasp-stats/jaspAnova documentation built on June 14, 2024, 6:48 p.m.