
Bayesian Repeated Measures ANOVA

The Bayesian Repeated Measures ANOVA allows the user to analyze the differences between means, when observations are dependent.



Assignment Box

Bayes Factor





Single Model Inference

Here, a single model can be specified to obtain information about the posterior of this specific model, including a table with the posterior summary and plots of the marginal posterior. - Tables: - Estimate: A table with the posterior summary for the single model, specified in the assignment box, will be provided. This table provides information about the single model posterior mean of each level of the fixed factors and their interaction included in the model, the standard deviation, and the credible interval. This is different from the estimate option in Output, since the estimates option provides the posterior summary averaged over all the models included in the analysis while this option gives the posterior summary for only the single specified model.

Post Hoc Tests

To perform a post hoc test, drag the factor name to perform the post hoc test on to the right column. Then it is possible to select: - Correction: - Null control: When selecting this option, the prior odds will be corrected for multiple testing. This option is selected by default. At the moment, no output will be generated for the post hoc test when this option is not selected.

Descriptives Plots

To create a descriptive plot, place the independent variable on the horizontal axis. If there is more than one independent variable, the variables can be displayed in one plot by putting the other variable in the box Separate lines, or the variables can be displayed in separate plots by dragging the other variable in the box Separate plots. - Factors: The independent variables included in the analysis. - Horizontal axis: Place here the independent variable that should be displayed on the horizontal axis of the plot. - Separate lines: By placing an independent variable in this box, different lines corresponding to the different levels of the independent variable will be displayed. - Separate plots: By placing an independent variable in this box, different plots corresponding to the different levels of the independent variable will be displayed. - Label y-axis: The label of the y-axis can be changed manually. - Display: - Credible interval: When this option is selected, the plot will contain credible intervals. By default this is set to 95%. This can be changed into the desired percentage.

Bar Plots

Additional Options


Model Comparison - Dependent Variable: - Models: The first column contains all the models included in the analysis. - Null model: This model contains the grand mean and the random factors. - Independent Variable model: This model adds the effect of the independent variable. - P(M): This column contains the prior belief of the plausibility of the model, called the prior model probability. - P(M|data): This column contains the updated probability of the model given the data. This is called the posterior model probability. - BFM : This column contains the posterior model odds. This is the change from the prior odds to the posterior odds for the model. - BF10 : This column contains the Bayes factor that quantifies evidence for the alternative hypothesis relative to the null hypothesis/null model. However, when the option Compare to best model is selected, the column will contain the Bayes factor that quantifies evidence for this model relative to the best model. - BF01 : This column contains the Bayes factor that quantifies evidence for the null hypothesis/null model relative to the alternative hypothesis. However, when the option Compare to best model is selected, the column will contain the Bayes factor that quantifies evidence for the best model relative to this model. - error % : The error of the Gaussian quadrature integration routine used for the computation of the Bayes factor.

Analysis of Effects - Dependent Variable: - Effects: This column contains the components included in the models. So these are the repeated measures factors and their interaction for example. - P(incl): This column contains the prior inclusion probability. This is the summed prior probability, calculated by adding the prior probability of each model that includes the component. - P(incl|data): This column contains the posterior inclusion probability. This is the summed posterior probability, calculated by adding the posterior probability of each model that includes the component. - BFinclusion : This column contains the change from prior inclusion odds to posterior inclusion odds for each component averaged by all the models that includes the component.

Model Averaged Posterior Summary - Variable: This column contains all the fixed factors, their interactions, and covariates included in the models. The first row contains information about the intercept. - Level: Each level of the factor and combination of levels of the interactions that are included in the model. - Mean: The model averaged mean. For the factors, this is the deviation from the intercept for each level of the factor. The level means for a factor sum to zero. - SD: The standard deviation of the model averaged mean. - % Credible interval: The credible interval of the mean. By default, this is set to 95%. - Lower: The lower bound of the credible interval of the mean. - Upper: The upper bound of the credible interval of the mean.

Model Averaged Posterior Distributions

For each factor, interaction, and covariate, the model averaged posterior distributions per level are displayed, with on the x-axis the factor and on the y-axis the density. The posterior distribution for each level can either be displayed in the same plot, or by different plots for each level.

Model Averaged Q-Q plot: - With Q-Q plot the normality of the residuals can be inspected visually. The theoretical quantiles are presented on the x-axis and standardized residuals on y-axis. The more dots are on the diagonal line, the more the residuals are normally distributed.

Model Averaged Posterior R2: - The model averaged density of the R2 (i.e., explained variance), with the R2 on the x-axis and the density on the y-axis.

Post Hoc Tests:

Post Hoc Comparisons - Repeated Measures Factor: - The first columns contain the levels of the repeated measures factor that are compared with each other. - Prior Odds: This column contains the prior odds. The prior odds are corrected for multiple testing. - Posterior Odds: This column contains the posterior odds. The posterior odds are the prior odds multiplied by the Bayes factor. - BF10, U : This column contains the Bayes factor quantifying evidence for the alternative hypothesis relative to the null hypothesis/null model. The Bayes factor is uncorrected for multiple testing. - BF01, U : This column contains the Bayes factor quantifying evidence for the null hypothesis/null model relative to the alternative hypothesis. The Bayes factor is uncorrected for multiple testing. - error % : The error of the Gaussian quadrature integration routine used for the computation of the Bayes factor.

Single Model Inference

Single Model Posterior Summary: - Variable: This column contains all the factors, interactions, and covariates included in the models. The first row contains information about the intercept. - Level: Each level of the factors and combination of levels of the interactions that are included in the single model. - Mean: The single model mean. For the factors, this is the deviation from the intercept for each level of the factor. The level means for a factor sum to zero. - SD: The standard deviation of the single model mean. - % Credible Interval: The credible interval of the mean. By default, this is set to 95%. - Lower: The lower bound of the credible interval of the mean. - Upper: The upper bound of the credible interval of the mean.

Posterior Distributions: - For each factor, interaction, and covariate, the single model posterior distributions per level are displayed, with on the x-axis the factor and on the y-axis the density. The posterior distribution for each level can either be displayed in the same plot, or by different plots for each level.

Q-Q plot: - With Q-Q plot the normality of the residuals can be inspected visually. The theoretical quantiles are presented on the x-axis and standardized residuals on y-axis. The more dots are on the diagonal line, the more the data are normally distributed.

Posterior R2: - The single model density of the R2 (i.e., explained variance), with the R2 on the x-axis and the density on the y-axis.


Descriptives - dependent variable: - Repeated Measures Factor: The levels of the repeated measures factor(s) included in the analysis. If more than 1, the descriptives will be displayed for each combination of levels of the repeated measures factors. - Mean: The mean per level or, if more than 1 repeated measures factors, the mean per combination of levels. - SD: The standard deviation. - N: The sample size. - % Credible interval: The credible interval of the mean. By default, this is set to 95%. - Lower: The lower bound of the credible interval of the mean. - Upper: The upper bound of the credible interval of the mean.

Descriptives Plots


R Packages

jasp-stats/jaspAnova documentation built on June 14, 2024, 6:48 p.m.