
Generalized Linear Mixed Models

Generalized Linear Mixed Models allow you to model a linear relationship between one or more explanatory variable(s) and a continuous dependent variable in cases where the observations are not independent, but clustered given one or several random effects grouping factors (e.g., repeated measures across participants or items, children within schools). They are generalization of Linear Mixed Models and allow to model response variables that are not continous using a different likelihoods and link functions.


The analysis uses sum contrast encoding for categorical (nominal and ordinal) predictors (R uses dummy encoding by default). This scheme is used for better interpretability of models with interactions. However, the fixed and random effects estimates will differ from those obtained from R with default settings. We advise using the 'Estimated marginal means' section for obtaining mean estimates at individual factor levels. For comparing the mean estimates, use the contrasts option. To change the contrast enconding for the analysis use Factor contrast dropdown in the Options section.

The analysis uses a long data format.


Assignment Box



Run Analysis

Press the button to run the analysis. Model relevant changes in the settings will not be applied until the button is pressed.





Estimated marginal means

Estimated trends/conditional slopes


R Packages

jasp-stats/jaspMixedModels documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:35 a.m.