surveybuilder: Make Surveys and Randomized Survey Experiments in R

surveybuilder is a package for creating surveys in PDF format using R, and can accomodate a range of in-built and custom randomization schemes. It also makes the generation and numbering of survey modules and questions much easier and quicker than manual PDF methods. surveybuilder compiles surveys in the $\LaTeX$ environmet, using the paperandpencil package, designed by Miriam Dieter & Anja Zwingenberger at University of Duisburg-Essen in 2009, see here for more details.

You can install surveybuilder using the following code:

install_github(repo = "surveybuilder",
               username = "jaspercooper")

Load as follows:


Making questions

Open questions

All questions have an optional question prompt and comment option. Open questions can be followed by an arbitrary number of lines or dots.

# No lines, no comment
  question_prompt = "How was your day?",
  concat = T)
## \question{{How was your day?}}
# With comment
  question_prompt = "How was your day?",
  comment = "\\emph{I honestly want to know!}",
  concat = T)
## \question{{How was your day?} \\\emph{I honestly want to know!}}
# With 1 line
  question_prompt = "How was your day?",
  comment = "\\emph{I honestly want to know!}",
  N_lines = 1,
  concat = T)
## \question{{How was your day?} \\\emph{I honestly want to know!}} 
##  \openone
# With 2 dotted lines
  question_prompt = "How was your day?",
  comment = "\\emph{I honestly want to know!}",
  N_dot_lines = 2,
  concat = T)
## \question{{How was your day?} \\\emph{I honestly want to know!}} 
##  \opendotstwo

Multiple choice questions

Multiple choice questions can be formatted in horizontal or vertical styles.

# Horizontal with labels on top
  question_prompt = "How likely are you to use this package?",
  upper_labels = c("Not a chance",
                   "Maybe once in a while",
                   "Literally. Every. Day."),  
  concat = T)
## \question{{How likely are you to use this package?}} 
##  \horizontalthree{\upthree{Not a chance}{Maybe once in a while}{Literally. Every. Day.}} 
##  {\downthree{}{}{}}
# Horizontal with labels on bottom
  question_prompt = "How likely are you to use this package?",
  lower_labels = c("Not a chance",
                   "Maybe once in a while",
                   "Literally. Every. Day."),
  concat = T)
## \question{{How likely are you to use this package?}} 
##  \horizontalthree{\upthree{}{}{}} 
##  {\downthree{Not a chance}{Maybe once in a while}{Literally. Every. Day.}}
# Horizontal with labels on top and bottom
  question_prompt = "How likely are you to use this package?",
  upper_labels = c("Not a chance",
                   "Maybe once in a while",
                   "Literally. Every. Day."),
  lower_labels = c(1,2,3),
  concat = T)
## \question{{How likely are you to use this package?}} 
##  \horizontalthree{\upthree{Not a chance}{Maybe once in a while}{Literally. Every. Day.}} 
##  {\downthree{1}{2}{3}}
# Vertical
  question_prompt = "How likely are you to use this package?",
  labels = c("Not a chance",
             "Maybe once in a while",
             "Literally. Every. Day."),
  concat = T)
## \question{{How likely are you to use this package?}} 
##  \begin{longanswersC} 
##  \item Not a chance 
##  \item Maybe once in a while 
##  \item Literally. Every. Day. 
##  \end{longanswersC}

Numeric questions

You can add questios with number boxes for measurement (years, meters, events, etc.).

# For a single box
  question_prompt = "How many hours have you spent writing surveys in Excel and Word?",
  labels = c("minutes","hours","days"),
  N_boxes = c(2,2,1),
  concat = T)
## \question{{How many hours have you spent writing surveys in Excel and Word?}} 
##   $\hspace{8cm}$  $ \bbox\bbox $ minutes  $ \bbox\bbox $ hours  $ \bbox $ days  $\hfill$
# For five boxes, with different labels at different points
  question_prompt = "How many hours have you spent writing surveys in Excel and Word?",
  labels = c("minutes","hours","days"),
  N_boxes = c(2,2,1),
  concat = T)
## \question{{How many hours have you spent writing surveys in Excel and Word?}} 
##   $\hspace{8cm}$  $ \bbox\bbox $ minutes  $ \bbox\bbox $ hours  $ \bbox $ days  $\hfill$

Note that cm_from_left can be used to set the location of the numeric boxes on the page.

Grids of questions

You can also ask multiple horizontal or vertical questions using answers that share the same scale.

# Vertical questions, horizontal answers
  question_prompt = "Rate the following items from 1 (not great) to 5 (not bad).",
  comment = "\\emph{Try to remain unenthused}",
  vertical_labels = c("Hi-Fives","Rollercoasters","Quiet Strolls"),
  horizontal_labels = 1:5,
  concat = T)
## \question{{Rate the following items from 1 (not great) to 5 (not bad).} \\\emph{Try to remain unenthused}} 
##  \vertikalblockfive{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{ 
## \blocktextfive{Hi-Fives} 
## \blocktextfive{Rollercoasters} 
## \blocktextfive{Quiet Strolls} 
## }
# Horizontal questions, vertical answers
  question_prompt = "Rate the following items from 1 (not great) to 5 (not bad).",
  comment = "\\emph{Try to remain unenthused}",
  vertical_labels = 1:5,
  horizontal_labels = c("Hi-Fives","Rollercoasters","Quiet Strolls"),
  concat = T)
## \question{{Rate the following items from 1 (not great) to 5 (not bad).} \\\emph{Try to remain unenthused}} 
##  \vertikalblockthree{Hi-Fives}{Rollercoasters}{Quiet Strolls}{ 
## \blocktextthree{1} 
## \blocktextthree{2} 
## \blocktextthree{3} 
## \blocktextthree{4} 
## \blocktextthree{5} 
## }

Prompts or arbitrary additions

You can also add in any of the usual .tex elements, such as lines, page breaks, prompts, or section titles. Be sure to add in an extra "\" whenever you need to add a backslash.

make_prompt(prompt = "\\clearpage",concat = T)
## \clearpage

Making Surveys

Non-Randomized Surveys

Simple-Randomized Surveys

Complete-Randomized Surveys

Arbitrary Randomization Schemes

To be continued...

jaspercooper/surveybuilder documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:55 p.m.