Man pages for jayverhoef/SSNbd
Spatial Modeling for Big Data Sets on Stream Networks

copecovariance parameter estimates with fast methods for big data...
createBigDistMatCalculate Hydrologic Distances for a large...
estCovParSSNbd_origestimates covariance parameters with fast methods for big...
estFixEffSSNbd_origestimates fixed effects with fast methods for big data with...
fefefixed effects estimation with fast methods for big data with...
getStreamDistMatIntExtracts downstream-only hydrologic distances for two vectors...
mapimake a partition index for a SpatialStreamNetwork object
pobaprediction of unobserved responses with fast methods for big...
print.estCovParSSNbdPrint method for estCovParSSNbd
print.estFixEffSSNbdPrint method for estFixEffSSNbd
print.summary.estCovParSSNbdPrint method for estCovParSSNbd
print.summary.estFixEffSSNbdPrint method for estFixEffSSNbd
puloprediction at unobserved locations with fast methods for big...
pureprediction of unobserved responses with fast methods for big...
pureSeqprediction of unobserved responses with fast methods for big...
summary.estCovParSSNbdSummary of S3 Method for Class "estCovParSSNbd"
summary.estFixEffSSNbdSummary of S3 Method for Class "estFixEffSSNbd"
jayverhoef/SSNbd documentation built on April 1, 2020, 8:06 a.m.