Man pages for jayverhoef/ZVHdata
Data Sets for Spatial Linear Models for Environmental Data

AKboundaryA boundary file for Alaska, USA
CAKRboundaryA boundary file for Cape Krusenstern National Moment, Alaska,...
caribouDFData for a caribou forage experiment
haulRoadA line file for the haul road through Cape Krusenstern...
MOSSobsData on heavy metals in mosses near a mining road in Alaska,...
MOSSpredsPrediction sites for heavy metals in mosses near a mining...
pointSimSystCreates a systematic grid of points
sealPolysA polygon file with data on harbor seal trends in southeast...
SO4obsData on SO4 atmospheric deposition throughout the...
SO4predsPrediction sites for SO4 atmospheric deposition throughout...
USboundaryA boundary file for conterminous United States
jayverhoef/ZVHdata documentation built on Oct. 22, 2022, 8:35 p.m.