style_plot: (Deprecated) Create styles for single-case data plots

View source: R/style_plot.R

style_plotR Documentation

(Deprecated) Create styles for single-case data plots


The style_plot function is used to create graphical styles for a single-case plot


style_plot(style = "default", ...)



A character string or a vector of character strings with predefined styles.


Further arguments passed to the plot command.


style_plot("") will return a list of predefined styles. Predefined styles can be combined style_plot(style = c("grid2", "tiny")) where settings of a latter style overwrite settings of the former. Additional style paramters are set following the style argument and can be combined with those: style_plot(style = "grid2", fill = "grey50", pch = 18).


Returns a list to be provided for the style argument of the plot.scdf() function.

  • fill If set, the area under the line is filled with the given color (e.g., fill = "tomato"). Use the standard R command colors() to get a list of all possible colours. fill is empty by default.

  • annotations A list of parameters defining annotations to each data point. This adds the score of each MT to your plot.

    • "pos" Position of the annotations: 1 = below, 2 = left, 3 = above, 4 = right.

    • "col" Color of the annotations.

    • "cex" Size of the annotations.

    • "round" Rounds the values to the specified decimal.

  • annotations = list(pos = 3, col = "brown", round = 1) adds scores rounded to one decimal above the data point in brown color to the plot.

  • "names" A list of parameters defining the depiction of phase names (e.g. names = list(cex = 0.8, col = "red", side = 1): cex for size, col for color, and side for position). See mtext for more details.

  • "lwd" Width of the plot line. Default is lwd = 2.

  • "pch" Point type. Default is pch = 17 (triangles). Other options are for example: 16 (filled circles) or "A" (uses the letter A).

  • "main" Main title of the plot.

  • "mai" Sets the margins of the plot.

  • "bty" Shape of the frame surrounding the inner plot

  • "" Background color of the plot. If a vector is provided, these colors will be assigned to phases (each phase name becomes a color).

  • "grid" Color of a grid.

  • "text.ABlag" Text displayed between phases.

  • "cex.axis" Size of the axis annotations

  • "las" Orientation of the axis annotations

  • "col.lines" Color of the lines

  • "col.dots" Color of the dots

  • "col.seperator" Color of the phase seperating lines

  • "" Color of the outer plot

  • "col" General color setting for the plot

  • "col.text" Color of all labels of the plot.


Juergen Wilbert

See Also



newstyle <- style_plot(style = "default")
newstyle$text.ABlag <- c("START", "END")
newstyle$col.dots <- ""
newstyle$annotations <- list(cex = 0.6, col = "grey10", offset = 0.4)
newstyle$names <- list(cex = 0.8, col = "blue", side = 1, adj = 1, line = -1, at = 31)
newstyle$ <- c("grey99", "grey95", "grey90")
plot(exampleABC, style = newstyle, main = "Example Plot")

jazznbass/scan documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 3:39 a.m.