analysis_missing | Analyse Missing Values in Scales |
auto_corr | Calculate Autocorrelation |
average | Average |
batch_convert_csv | Batch convert csv |
center | Mean center a variable |
change_values | Change Values |
check_scale | Check scale for typos |
ci_score | Compute Confidence Intervals for Test Scores Adjusted for... |
combine_data_frames | Combine multiple data frames into a single data frame |
conf_int | Calculate Confidence Interval |
critical_difference | Compute the Critical Difference Using SEM and SED |
fill_missing_l2 | Fills in missing level 2 data |
fisher_z | Fisher's Z Transformation |
flip | Flip a Data Frame or Matrix |
get_wmisc_attributes | Get or Set "wmisc" Attributes |
logit2prob | Convert Logit to Probability and vice versa |
mean_corr | Average correlations by Fisher Z transformation |
merge_multilevel | Merge Multiple Level Data |
multilevel_R2 | Multilevel R squared for two-level models |
nice_agreement_table | Perform within agreement analysis |
nice_alpha_table | Table with alpha values |
nice_chi_test_table | Creates a chi.squared test table for multiple dependent... |
nice_contingency_table | Create a Contingency Table with One or Two Summary Functions |
nice_corrmatrix | Nice correlation matrix |
nice_descriptives | Table with descriptive statistics |
nice_frequencies | Table with frequency statistics |
nice_loadings | Creates table of loadings of exploratory factor analysis... |
nice_p | Format p values |
nice_regression_table | Create a nice table from one or more regression models |
nice_sem | Nice html table for lavaan structure equation model fitted... |
nice_statnum | Nice statnum Formats numbers in the -1 to 1 range |
nice_table.default | Create a nicely formatted table |
nice_t_test_table | Creates a t.test table for multiple dependent variables |
percent | Percent of TRUE values |
percentage_bar | Create a Percentage Bar Chart |
plotalphabeta | Plot Alpha / Beta graph Generates a graphic for visualizing... |
reference_package_version | Reference package version for markdown |
rename_from_labels | Various functions that add and retrieve labels for variabes |
round_numeric | This function rounds numeric columns in a data frame to a... |
split_at_median | Dichotomize vector values at their median |
split_at_percentile | Factorizes a vector by percentiles |
standardise | Standardise values |
wmisc_data | Wmisc example data |
wmisc-package | Misc Functions |
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