flip: Flip a Data Frame or Matrix

View source: R/flip.R

flipR Documentation

Flip a Data Frame or Matrix


This function takes a data frame or matrix and flips its rows and columns, effectively transposing the data. Optionally, it can include row names in the resulting data frame.


flip(x, rownames = NULL)



A data frame or matrix to be flipped.


Logical or string. If TRUE, row names will be included as the first column. If character, the column will be named respectively.


A data frame with flipped rows and columns. If rownames is TRUE, row names (if x is a matrix) or the first column will contain the original row names (if x is a data frame).

See Also

t for transposing matrices and data frames.


# Create a sample data frame
df <- data.frame(
  Car = c("BMW", "Volvo", "Honda"), 
  Cost = (1:3)*10000, 
  Speed = c(140, 160, 180), 
  Colour = c("Red", "Blue", "Brown")

# Flip the data frame

flip(df) |> nice_table()

# Flip the data frame with row names included
flip(df, rownames = TRUE)

jazznbass/wmisc documentation built on Jan. 28, 2025, 11:13 p.m.