pmt-package: Poission Margin Test for Normalisation Free Significance...

Description Details Author(s) References


An implementation of the PMT for calling differental counts of NGS data. Computes p-values using the Poission Margin Test for two vectors of counts arising from NGS data.


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Justin Bedo

Maintainer: Justin Bedo <>


Kowalczyk, A., Bed<c5><91>, J., Conway, T., Beresford-Smith, B., 2011. The Poisson margin test for normalization-free significance analysis of NGS data. Journal of Computational Biology 18, 391<e2><80><93>400. doi:10.1089/cmb.2010.0272

jbedo/pmt documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:58 p.m.