Man pages for jbracher/hhh4addon
Extensions to endemic-epidemic timeseries modeling from package surveillance

aggregate_momentsAggregation of stationary or predictive moments
ar2_lagFunction to obtain AR2 weights This function generates AR2...
confint.oneStepAheadconfidence intervals for one-step-ahead predictions
decompose.hhh4A wrapper around 'decompose.hhh4lag' and...
decompose.hhh4lagA modified version of 'decompose.hhh4'
dengueSJData set on dengue in San Juan, Puerto Rico
distr_lagDisplay the function and parameters used for distributed lags
ds_score_hhh4Calculate Dawid-Sebastiani score
fanplot_predictionDisplay prediction as a fan plot
fanplot_stationaryDisplay stationary distribution as a fanplot
fit_par_lagEstimating the lag decay parameter of an 'hhh4_lag' model...
fixef.hhh4lagA modified version of 'fixef.hhh4'
geometric_lagFunction to obtain geometric weights This function generates...
get_diags_of_arrayGet diagnoal elements of all slices of an array
get_weighted_lagsTransform matrix of first-order lagged observations to matrix...
hhh4_lagFitting hhh4 models with distributed lags
interpolate_qnbinomInterpolate between quantiles to avoid edgy display
is_complex_neighbourhoodDetermine whether an hhh4 object was fitted using one of the...
is_fitted_par_lagCheck if the par_lag parameter was fitted
lambda_tildeExtracting Lambda_Tilde from an hhh4 object with complex...
lambda_tilde_complex_neighbourhoodExtracting Lambda_Tilde from an hhh4 object with complex...
linear_lagFunction to obtain linearly decaying weights
logLik.hhh4lagA modified version of 'logLik.hhh4'
log_normal_lag#' This function generates (shifted) discrete gamma weights...
matrix_is_cyclicCheck whether the rows of a matrix show a cyclic pattern
neOffsetArray.hhh4lagA modified version of 'neOffsetArray'
noroBLData set on norovirus gastroenteritis in Bremen and Lower...
numeric_fisher_hhh4lagNumerical evaluation of the covariance matrix including the...
oneStepAhead_hhh4lagPredictive Model Assessment for hhh4_lag Models
plot_moments_by_unitPlot predictive or stationary moments by unit
plot.oneStepAheadsimple plot of one-step-ahead forecasts
poisson_lagFunction to obtain Poisson weights This function generates...
predictive_momentsAnalytical computation of predictive moments for an 'hhh4'...
print.hhh4lagA modified version of 'surveillance::print.hhh4'
print.summary.hhh4lagA modified version of 'print.summary.hhh4'
profile_par_lagEstimating the lag decay parameter of an 'hhh4_lag' model...
psi2size.hhh4lagA modified version of 'psi2size.hhh4'
quantile.oneStepAheadquantiles of the one-step-ahead forecasts
ranef.hhh4lagA modified version of 'ranef.hhh4'
residuals.hhh4lagA modified version of 'residuals.hhh4'
simulate.hhh4lagSimulate "hhh4_lag" Count Time Series
stationary_momentsAnalytic calculation of periodically stationary moments...
summary.hhh4lagA modified version of 'surveillance::summary.hhh4'
terms.hhh4lagA modified version of 'terms.hhh4'
unrestricted_lagFunction to obtain unrestricted lags
update.hhh4lagA modified version of 'update.hhh4'
jbracher/hhh4addon documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 9:53 a.m.