Man pages for jbryer/DATA606
DATA606 Statistics and Probability for Data Analytics

beta_plotPlot a beta distribution
calc_streakCalculate a streak.
chisquare_plotPlot a chi-squared distribution
DATA606-packageR Package to support DATA606 Statistics and Probability for...
demoDemonstrates R Functionality
distribution_plotPlots a distribution
F_plotPlot a F distribution.
getLabsReturns a list of available labs.
helloHello, World!
inferenceInference function for OpenIntro labs
normal_plotPlot a normal distribution.
normalPlotPlot a normal distribution.
onAttachFunction executed when the package is loaded.
plot_ssPlot sum of squares.
presentBirth rates from 1940 to 2002
qqnormsimSimulates QQ-plots with the given data.
satSAT verbal and math scores
shiny_demoRun a Shiny App from a Package
startLabStarts a new lab.
t_plotPlot a student t distribution.
viewLabOpens the HTML page for the lab in the default browser.
jbryer/DATA606 documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 4:13 a.m.