DataCache-package: Package for managing data caches

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Package for managing data caches


Data caching is not new. It is often necessary to save intermediate data files when the process of loading and/or manipulating data takes a considerable amount of time. This problem is further complicated when working with dynamic data that changes regularly. In these situations it often sufficient to use data that is current with in some time frame (e.g. hourly, daily, weekly, monthly). One solution is to use a time-based job scheduler such as cron. However, that requires access and knowledge of Unix systems. The alternative, is to check for the "freshness" of a cached dataset each time it is requested. If is "stale," then the data cached is refreshed with more up-to-date data. The DataCache package implements this approach in R. Moreover, on Unix systems (including Mac OS X), the refreshing will be done in the background. That is, when requesting data from the cache, if it is stale, the function will return the latest available data while the cache is updated in the background. This is particularly useful when using R in a web environment (e.g. Shiny Apps) where it is not ideal to have the user wait for data be loaded to begin interacting with the app.

See the Vignette for more information: vignette('DataCache').


jbryer/DataCache documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7 p.m.