opts_knit$set(base.dir='./', fig.path='', out.format='md')
opts_chunk$set(prompt=TRUE, comment='', results='markup')
# See yihui.name/knitr/options for more Knitr options.
##### Put other setup R code here

Checking the Installed Version of Gitbook

Gitbook.io is under active development. The gitbookInfo function will indicate whether a new version of Gitbook is available.


If a new version is available, the installGitbook function will install the latest version.


Additionally, the checkForGitbook function will also indicate whether Gitbook is installed and available but will not check the Node Package Modules website for the currently available version.


The quiet parameter will not print any messages. The function returns a logical indicating whether Gitbook is available or not. This may be useful if you are automating your Gitbook development.

isAvailable <- checkForGitbook(quiet=TRUE)

jbryer/Rgitbook documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:01 p.m.