
Introductory section which may include references in parentheses \parencite{R}, or cite a reference such as \textcite{R} in the text.

Section title in sentence case

This section may contain a figure such as Figure \ref{figure:rlogo}.

\begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=1.5in]{Rlogo} \caption{The logo of R.} \label{figure:rlogo} \end{figure}

A subsection

There will likely be several sections, perhaps including code snippets, such as:

x <- 1:10

Linear Regerssion

We can model heart weight (in grams) from body weight (in kilograms) using the cars data in the MASS package.

$$Hwt = Bwt * b_1 + b_0$$

The results of this regression model are summarized in Table \ref{lmtable}.

lm.out <- lm(Hwt ~ Bwt, data=cats)
Table Results
xtable(lm.out, caption='Linear Regression Results', label='lmtable')

It is also useful to include a scatter plot as in Figure \ref{figure:scatter}.

plot(cats$Bwt, cats$Hwt)


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