Man pages for jbryer/irutils
Collection of utility functions for Institutional Research.

adjustedTableLaTeXCreates table LaTeX table of proportions for the two given...
createLocalReposThis package will download all packages for the given type to...
getAgeReturns the age in years based upon the given date.
getAgeGroupsReturns a factor variable using the given breaks and labels....
getAgeGroupsIPEDSReturns the age groupings used by IPEDS.
itutils-packageUtility functions for Institutional Research
local.available.packagesReturns a list of available packages in the local repository.
local.install.packagesInstalls packages from the local repository.
lsosAn enhanced version of ls.
pieCreates a pie chart using ggplot2.
saveIPEDStoDBThis function will add all the IPEDS surveys to the given...
updateLocalReposThis function will update the local repository with new...
jbryer/irutils documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:02 p.m.