Man pages for jbryer/mldash
Evaluating Machine Learning Models Across Many Datasets

check_javaChecks if Java is installed.
check_pythonChecks if Python is installed.
get_all_metricsReturns all metrics from the 'yardstick' package.
get_dataReads in a data frame for a model file
get_timeseries_metricsReturns time series metrics from the 'yardstick' package.
mldash-packagemldash: Evaluating Machine Learning Models Across Many...
new_datasetCreate a new data set metadata file.
new_modelCreate a new data set metadata file.
read_ml_datasetsReads model files for running predictive models.
read_ml_modelsReads data files for running predictive models.
run_modelsRuns the predictive models for the given datasets.
shiny_mldashRun the Loess shiny app.
shiny_serverThe Shiny App Server.
shiny_uiThe Shiny App UI.
upstream_ownerClones the upstream mldash project, saves a ml_results object...
jbryer/mldash documentation built on March 4, 2023, 9:35 p.m.