Man pages for jbryer/multilevelPSA
Multilevel Propensity Score Analysis

align.plotsAdapted from ggExtra package which is no longer available.... the overall effects as a data frame.
covariate.balanceEstimate covariate effect sizes before and after propensity...
covariateBalanceCalculate covariate effect size differences before and after...
cv.trans.psaTransformation of Factors to Individual Levels
difftable.plotThis function produces a ggplot2 figure containing the mean...
getPropensityScoresReturns a data frame with two columns corresponding to the...
getStrataReturns a data frame with two columns corresponding to the...
is.mlpsaReturns true if the object is of type 'mlpsa'
loess.plotLoess plot with density distributions for propensity scores...
lsosNicer list of objects in memory. Particularly useful for...
missing.plotReturns a heat map graphic representing missingness of...
mlpsaThis function will perform phase II of the multilevel...
mlpsa.circ.plotPlots the results of a multilevel propensity score model.
mlpsa.ctreeEstimates propensity scores using the recursive partitioning...
mlpsa.difference.plotCreates a graphic summarizing the differences between...
mlpsa.distribution.plotPlots distribution for either the treatment or comparison...
mlpsa.logisticEstimates propensity scores using logistic regression.
multilevelPSA-packageMultilevel Propensity Score Analysis
pisa.colnamesMapping of variables in 'pisana' with full descriptions.
pisa.countriesData frame mapping PISA countries to their three letter...
pisanaNorth American (i.e. Canada, Mexico, and United States)...
pisa.psa.colsCharacter vector representing the list of covariates used for...
plot.covariate.balanceMultiple covariate balance assessment plot.
plot.mlpsaPlots the results of a multilevel propensity score model.
plot.psrangePlots densities and ranges for the propensity scores.
print.covariate.balancePrints the overall effects before and after propensity score...
print.mlpsaPrints basic information about a 'mlpsa' class.
print.psrangePrints information about a psrange result.
print.xmlpsaPrints the results of 'mlpsa' and 'xtable.mlpsa'.
psrangeEstimates models with increasing number of comparison...
summary.mlpsaProvides a summary of a 'mlpsa' class.
summary.psrangePrints the summary results of psrange.
tree.plotHeat map representing variables used in a conditional...
xtable.mlpsaPrints the results of 'mlpsa' as a LaTeX table.
zeroGrobThe zero grob draws nothing and has zero size.
jbryer/multilevelPSA documentation built on April 10, 2020, 1:20 a.m.