Man pages for jbryer/psa
Applied Propensity Score Analysis with R

align.plotsAdapted from ggExtra package which is no longer available....
calculate_ps_weightsCalculates propensity score weights.
get_strata_breaksStratify based upon the propensity scores.
loess_plotLoess plot with density distributions for propensity scores...
MatchBalanceCalculates balance statistics for matching.
MatchBalance_to_data_frameConverts the results MatchBalance to a data.frame.
matching_plotPropensity score matching plot
merge.midsMerge imputed dataset with original data.frame.
plot.MatchBalancePlot method for MatchBalance.
print.MatchBalancePrint method for MatchBalance.
psa_citationsNumber of articles related to propensity score analysis in...
psa-packageApplied Propensity Score Analysis with R
psa_shinyRun the PSA shiny application.
psa_simulation_shinyRun the PSA simulation shiny application.
stratification_plotStratification Plot
studentsStudent data file.
summary.MatchBalanceSummary method for MatchBalance.
treatment_effectEstimate the treatment effects.
tutoringData from a study examining the effects of tutoring on...
weighting_plotPropensity score weighting plot
zeroGrobThe zero grob draws nothing and has zero size.
jbryer/psa documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 8:21 a.m.