Man pages for jbryer/qualtrics
Qualtrics Survey Data Access

addRecipientAdds a recipient to the given panel.
createPanelCreates a new panel.
getPanelReturns the survey invitees for the given panel.
getPanelMemberCountReturns the number of members in the panel.
getPanelsReturns the survey panels in the given library.
getRecipientReturns a recipient from the panel.
getSurveyReturns the given survey.
getSurveyNameReturns the given survey name.
getSurveyResultsReturns the results of a given survey.
getSurveysReturns a list of surveys available for the given user.
parseXMLResponseInternal method. Parses XML response from Qualtrics.
sendReminderSends a survey to the given recipient.
sendSurveyToIndividualSends a survey to the given recipient.
varEntryDialogCreates a dialog box using tcl/tk to get input from the user.
jbryer/qualtrics documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:03 p.m.