Man pages for jbryer/retention
Retention and Completion for Higher Education

align.plotsAdapted from ggExtra package which is no longer available....
cohortDetailsInternal method. Estimates cohort retention.
cohortRetentionEstimates cohort retention.
diff.monthCalculates the difference in months between the two dates.
fySummaryAggregates to fiscal years.
fySummaryLaTeXPrints LaTeX of fiscal year summary.
graduatesSample graduates data. These data do not represent actual...
mondfDepcreated function
plot.CohortRetentionPlots the results of 'cohortRetention' using 'ggplot2'.
plotPersistencePlots retention, completion, and persistence rates.
plot.RetentionPlots the results of 'retention' use 'ggplot2'.
plot.RetentionOverallPlots a time series for retention and completion rates.
print.CohortRetentionPrints the summary portion of the results
quarterlySummaryAggregates to quarters (i.e. three-months).
quarterSummaryLaTeXPrints LaTeX of a quarterly aggregate.
retentionEstimates retention.
retention2Alternative (and possibly faster) retention calculation.
retention-packageRetention and completion rates
retentionSummaryReturns retention summary.
studentDetailsReturns student status at the specified months
studentsSample student enrollment data. These data do not represent...
summary.CohortRetentionPrints summary of 'cohortRetention'.
summary.RetentionPrints summary information aggregated across cohorts.
xtable.CohortRetentionPrints LaTeX of cohort summary.
xtable.RetentionPrints LaTeX of CohortRetention summary.
jbryer/retention documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:03 p.m.