
#' Repeats Target Function until Result succesful
#' This function repeats the target function until the execution of the target function is successfull.
#' @param expr target function expression
#' @param silent logical: should the report of error messages be suppressed?
#' @param maxIter maximum iterations of target function
#' @param quotedExpr substitute(expr) - returns the parse tree for the (unevaluated) expression
#' @param envir environment - evaluate an R expression in a specified environment
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rhfRepeatUntilOk(data <- targetFunction())
#' }
#' @export
#' @return result target function

#### ####
#function to repeat process until result succesful
#### ####
rhfRepeatUntilOk <- function (expr, silent = TRUE, maxIter = 1000,
                     quotedExpr = substitute(expr),  envir = parent.frame()){
  while ((maxIter <- maxIter - 1) >= 0 && inherits(tmp <- try(eval(quotedExpr,
                                                                   envir = envir), silent = silent), "try-error")) {
  if (maxIter < 0) {
    stop("reached maxIter iterations, last error message is ", as.character(tmp))
jburkhardt/RHelperFunctions documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:56 p.m.