Man pages for jburos/fcutils
Working with FeatureCounts: Utilities for RNASeq Expression Analysis

clean_file_namesClean file names by removing longest common substring from...
color_from_middlemodify coloring in DT::datatable json based on work by...
common_substringsFind all common substrings of two strings Based on...
convert_ensembl2entrezGiven featurecounts matrix & annotation, roll results up to...
create_deseq2_resultsummarize expr data as DESeqDataSet importFrom DESeq2...
create_edger_resultSummarise expr data as DGEList object importFrom edgeR...
fcutils_optionsSet or get options for fcutils package
fcutils_options_resetReset global options for fcutils
filter_low_countsFilter out genes/transcripts with low expression
get_expr_dataSummarise expression data as DGEList object
get_featurecounts_filesList files containing featurecounts summaries by gene
get_gene_annotationreturn gene annotation from ensembl ids
get_gene_namesget gene names from entrez or ensembl ids
load_data_from_feature_countsload data from featurecounts borrowed from...
longest_common_substringgiven a list of strings a, find the longest substring common...
longest_stringReturn the longest string of a vector/list of strings s
volcano_plotgenerate volcano plot from deseq2 result
with_filecacheExecute an expression, while saving result to a local file
wrapup_for_iSEEPrepare summarized experiment from deseq2 result, for use in...
jburos/fcutils documentation built on Dec. 5, 2019, 6:26 p.m.