bpca - Biplot of Multivariate Data Based on Principal Components Analysis

This is the development code of the R package bpca. You should use it if you want to contribute to its development: testing unreleased versions, fixing bugs, writing code, etc.

To download, check and build it do the following in a terminal emulator:

git clone git://


git clone

After to clone it, to check, build and install do the following:

R CMD check bpca

R CMD build bpca

R CMD INSTALL bpca_X.X-X.tar.gz

The stable version of this package is available at:

Faria, J. C; Allaman, I. B. and Demétrio, C. G. B.
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC
Departamento de Ciências Exatas - DCEX
Ilhéus - Bahia - Brasil

jcfaria/bpca documentation built on Nov. 24, 2023, 4:16 a.m.