
# ##' Cross-validation function for fusedanova method.
# ##'
# ##' Function that computes K-fold cross-validated error of a
# ##' \code{fusedanova} fit. Possibility to perform V times the whole
# ##' K-fold CV to average the error and reduce the reduce the CV
# ##' standard error around the minimum.
# ##'
# ##' @param x matrix whose rows represent individuals and columns
# ##' independant variables.
# ##'
# ##' @param class vector or factor giving the class of each individual.
# ##'
# ##' @param K integer indicating the number of folds. Default is 10.
# ##'
# ##' @param V integer indicating the number of times the K folds CV
# ##' will be averaged. Default is 1 (no averaging).
# ##'
# ##' @param verbose boolean for verbose mode. Default is \code{TRUE}.
# ##'
# ##' @param folds list of \code{K} vectors that describes the folds to
# ##' use for the cross-validation. By default, the folds are randomly
# ##' sampled with the specified K. The same folds are used for each
# ##' values of \code{lambdalist}.
# ##'
# ##' @param lambdalist list of \code{lambda} penalty parameters used
# ##' in the cross validation. By default, lambdalist is NULL and calculated
# ##' using the maximum \code{lambda} and the parameter \code{nlambda}.
# ##'
# ##' @param ... list of additional parameters to overwrite the defaults of the
# ##' fitting procedure. See the corresponding documentation (\code{\link{fusedanova}}).
# ##' Also include :
# ##' \itemize{%
# ##'
# ##' \item{\code{nlambda}: } {integer; the length
# ##' of the \code{lambdalist} vector, by default 100}
# ##'
# ##' \item{\code{log.scale}: } {boolean; should a logarithmic scale be used
# ##' during the creation of \code{lambdalist}. By default, FALSE.
# ##' }
# ##'
# ##' \item{\code{min.ratio} : }{ numeric parameter setting the smallest value of lambdalist
# ##' in the \code{log.scale} case with the formula log10(\code{min.ratio}*\code{lambdamax}).
# ##'	}
# ##' }
# ##'
# ##' @return An object of class "cv.fa" for which a \code{plot} method
# ##' is available.
# ##'
# ##' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{fusedanova}}, \code{\link{plot,cv.fa-method}}
# ##' and \code{\linkS4class{cv.fa}}.
# ##'
# ##' @examples \dontrun{
# ##' data(aves)
# ##' cv.out <- cv.fa(aves$weight, aves$family)
# ##' <- cv.fa(aves$weight, aves$family, V=50)
# ##' }
# ##'
# ##' @keywords models, regression
# ##' @name cv.fa
# ##' @aliases cv.fa
# ##' @rdname cv.fa
# ##'
# ##' @export
# cv.fa <- function(x,
#                   class,
#                   K = 10,
#                   folds= split(sample(1:length(class)), rep(1:K, length=length(class))),
#                   lambdalist = NULL,
#                   V = 1,
#                   verbose = TRUE,
#                   ...) {
#   ## =============================================================
#   user <- list(...)
#   defs <-
#   args <- modifyList(defs, user)
#   if ([['sysname']] == "Windows") {
#     args$mc.cores <- 1 # Windows does not support fork
#   }
#   if(!is.matrix(x))
#     x <- as.matrix(x)
#   n <- nrow(x)
#   p <- ncol(x)
#   if (missing(class))
#     class <- 1:n
#   if (args$checkargs) {
#     if(any(
#       stop("NA value in x not allowed.")
#     if(n != length(class))
#       stop("x and y have not correct dimensions")
#     if(length(unique(class))==1)
#       stop("y has only one level.")
#     if(!(args$weights %in% c("default","laplace","gaussian","adaptive","naivettest","ttest","welch","personal")))
#       stop("Unknown weight parameter formulation. Aborting.")
#     if ([['sysname']] == "Windows") {
#       if(verbose){
#         warning("\nWindows does not support fork, enforcing mc.cores to '1'.")
#       }
#     }
#     args$checkargs = FALSE # not to check again in fused anova first call
#   }
#   ## =============================================================
#   #  get the lambda max and a fused anova object on which we can use predict later
#   firstrun =,c(list(x=x,class=class),args))
#   lambdamax = max(unlist(lapply(firstrun@result,function(x){max(x$table[,"lambda"])})))
#   # generating the grid of lambda by ascending order
#   if (is.null(lambdalist)) {
#     if (args$log.scale == FALSE){
#       args$lambdalist = seq(0,lambdamax,len=args$nlambda)
#     } else{
#       args$lambdalist = 10 ^ seq(log10(args$min.ratio*lambdamax),log10(lambdamax), len=args$nlambda)
#     }
#   } else{
#     args$lambdalist = sort(lambdalist,decreasing=FALSE)
#   }
#   # overwrite nlambda and K
#   args$nlambda = length(args$lambdalist)
#   K <- length(folds)
#   # list format for x and factor for y
#   x = split(x, rep(1:p, each = n))
#   if(!is.factor(class)){class=as.factor(class)}
#   ## ====================================================
#   if (args$splits==0){ # if we let the programm choose, overwrite the value
#     if (args$weights=="default"||(args$weights %in% c("laplace","gaussian","adaptive") && args$gamma>=0) ||length(unique(class))<3){
#       args$splits = 1
#     }else{
#       args$split=2
#     }
#   }
#   one.fold <- function(k,z) {
#     omit <- folds[[k]]
#     if (args$standardize==TRUE){z =,group=class,omit=omit)}
#     err <- simplecv(xtrain=z[-omit], ytrain=class[-omit], xtest = z[omit],ytest = class[omit], args=args)
#     return(err = err)
#   }
#   if (V > 1 & verbose) {
#     cat("\nAveraging ", V," ",K,"-folds cross-validation... might take a while!", sep="")
#     cat("\nV =")
#   } else {
#     cat("\n",K,"-folds cross-validation...", sep="")
#   }
#   cv.list <- list()
#   global.list <- list()
#   folds.list <- list()
#   for (v in 1:V) {
#     if (V > 1 & verbose) {
#       cat(" ", v)
#     }
#     folds.list[[v]] <- folds
#     ## Errors contains a list of tables (rows <-> folds and col<-> lambdas) for each variable
#     Errors <- lapply(x,function(z){
#       err  <-,mclapply(1:K, function(k){one.fold(k,z)}, mc.cores= args$mc.cores,
#                                      mc.preschedule=ifelse(K > 10,TRUE,FALSE)))
#       return(err)
#     })
#     # CV return the mean of errors per fold and the std error.
#     CV <- lapply(Errors,function(err){
#       err2 = err^2
#       meanerr <- colMeans(err)
#       meanerr2 <- colMeans(err2)
#       meanerr2 <- sqrt(1/(K-1)*(meanerr2 - meanerr^2)) # erreur sur la moyenne
#       lambda.min = max(args$lambdalist[meanerr <= min(meanerr)])
#       # if several lambda.min, we take the higher lambda
#       return(list(cv.error = data.frame(err=meanerr,sd=meanerr2,lambdalist = args$lambdalist),
#                   lambda.min=lambda.min))
#     })
#     if (p>1){
#       err = aaply(laply(Errors,as.matrix),c(2,3),mean) # mean on all variables for each fold
#       err2 = err^2
#       meanerr <- colMeans(err)
#       meanerr2 <- colMeans(err2)
#       meanerr2 <- sqrt(1/(K-1)*(meanerr2 - meanerr^2))
#       lambda.min = max(args$lambdalist[meanerr <= min(meanerr)])
#       global = list(cv.error = data.frame(err=meanerr,sd=meanerr2,
#                                           lambdalist = args$lambdalist),lambda.min=lambda.min)
#     }else{
#       global=CV[[1]]
#     }
#     global.list[[v]] <- global
#     cv.list[[v]] <- CV
#     ## new folds
#     folds <- split(sample(1:length(class)), rep(1:K, length=length(class)))
#   }
#   cv <-, function(l) { l$cv.error}), 1, simplify2array))
#   lb <- mean(sapply(global.list, function(l) { l$lambda.min}))
#   cv <- data.frame(err=tapply(cv$err, cv$lambdalist, mean),
#                    sd =tapply(cv$sd, cv$lambdalist, function(x) sqrt(mean(x^2)/V)),
#                    lambdalist = args$lambdalist)
#   rownames(cv) <- 1:nrow(cv)
#   global <- list(cv.error= cv, lambda.min=lb)
#   CV <- lapply(1:p, function(i) {
#     cv <-, function(l) { l[[i]]$cv.error}), 1, simplify2array))
#     lb <- mean(sapply(cv.list, function(l) { l[[i]]$lambda.min}))
#     cv <- data.frame(err=tapply(cv$err, cv$lambdalist, mean),
#                      sd =tapply(cv$sd, cv$lambdalist, function(x) sqrt(mean(x^2)/V)),
#                      lambdalist = args$lambdalist)
#     rownames(cv) <- 1:nrow(cv)
#     return(list(cv.error= cv, lambda.min=lb))
#   })
#   return(new("cv.fa",
#              byvariable = CV,
#              global = global,
#              folds  = ifelse(V == 1, folds, folds.list),
#              lambdalist =args$lambdalist,
#              algorithm = algoType))
# }
# # return error
# simplecv <- function(xtrain,ytrain,xtest,ytest,args){
#   # Objective : xm and xmtest should have the same length for c++ code
#   # we modify ytest as a factor containing the levels of y and use tapply
#   # if a level is not present in ytest, we replace NA by 0 so that it works and the error calculation is still correct
#   # if a level is in ytest but not in y it's discarded
#   ytrain = factor(ytrain) # (drop useless factor)
#   index = ytest %in% ytrain # what to discard.
#   ytest = factor(ytest[index],levels=levels(ytrain)) # discard but keep the ytrain levels
#   xtest = xtest[index]  # same
#   ngroup = tapply(ytrain,ytrain,length) # vector of number by group
#   xm = tapply(xtrain,ytrain,mean)
#   xv = rep(0,length(xm))
#   if (args$weights %in% c("welch", "naivettest", "ttest")){ # var needed if weights are of welch or ttest type
#     xv = tapply(xtrain,ytrain,var)
#     xv[] <- 0
#   }
#   ngrouptest = tapply(ytest,ytest,length) # vector of number by group
#   ngrouptest[]=0
#   xmtest = tapply(xtest, ytest, mean)
#   xmtest[] <- 0
#   xvtest = tapply(xtest,ytest,var)*(ngrouptest-1)
#   xvtest[] <- 0
#   # sort from the smallest beta to the highest
#   ordre = order(xm)
#   xm = xm[ordre]
#   ngroup =ngroup[ordre]
#   ngrouptest = ngrouptest[ordre]
#   xv =xv[ordre]
#   xmtest = xmtest[ordre] # sous forme de data frame plus rapide ????
#   # decomposition of error (Huygens):
#   # \sum_i{(\hat{Y_i}(\lambda)-Y_i)^2} = sum_k{ngroup(k)*(\hat{Y}_k - sum(Y_i in k))} + sum{Var(group_k)}
#   errVar = sum(xvtest)
#   errEst  <- .Call("noSplitcv",R_x=xm,R_xv=xv, R_ngroup=ngroup, R_xtest =xmtest, R_ngrouptest=ngrouptest, R_args=args, PACKAGE="fusedanova")
#   errEst = errEst + errVar
#   return(errEst)
# }
# ###################################
# # normalization of a vector for cv
# ###################################
# <- function(x,group,omit){
#   xtrain = x[-omit]
#   grouptrain = group[-omit]
#   Pooled = (nlevels(grouptrain)!= length(xtrain))
#   if (Pooled ==FALSE){
#     res = (x-mean(xtrain))/as.numeric((sqrt(var(xtrain))))
#   }else{
#     ntrain = length(xtrain)
#     m  = mean(xtrain)
#     ngrouptrain = tabulate(grouptrain)
#     ngrouptrain = ngrouptrain[ngrouptrain != 0]
#     s = rowsum(xtrain^2,grouptrain) - (1/ngrouptrain)*(rowsum(xtrain,grouptrain))^2
#     s[which(ngrouptrain==1)]=0
#     if (sum(s)==0){
#       res = (x-mean(xtrain))/as.numeric((sqrt(var(xtrain))))
#     }else{
#       s = sqrt(sum(s)/(ntrain-length(ngrouptrain)))
#       res = (x-m)/s
#     }
#   }
#   return(res)
# }
jchiquet/fusedanova documentation built on July 19, 2019, 12:49 a.m.