
#' War data set
#' This dataset contains two networks where the nodes are countries and an
#' edge in network "belligerent" means that the two countries have been at
#' least once at war between years 1816 to 2007 while an edge in network "alliance"
#' means that the two countries have had a formal alliance between years 1816 to 2012.
#'  The network `belligerent` have less nodes since countries which have not been at
#'  war are not considered.
#' @format A list with 2 two igraph objects, \code{alliance} and \code{belligerent}.
#' Each graph have three attributes: 'name' (the country name), 'power' (a score related to military power: the higher, the better) and
#' 'trade' (a score related to the trade effort between pairs of countries).
#' @references Sarkees, Meredith Reid and Frank Wayman (2010). Resort to War: 1816 - 2007. Washington DC: CQ Press.
#' @references Gibler, Douglas M. 2009. International military alliances, 1648-2008. CQ Press
#' @examples
#' data(war)
#' class(war$belligerent)
#' igraph::gorder(war$alliance)
#' igraph::gorder(war$belligerent)
#' igraph::edges(war$alliance)
#' igraph::get.graph.attribute(war$alliance)
#' @source networks were extracted from <https://correlatesofwar.org/>
jchiquet/missSBM documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 5:30 a.m.