
experimental CRAN

The purpose of geeks is to download data from three game-related geek sites: boardgamegeek, rpggeek and videogamegeek.

At the moment, the usage covers fetching and parsing game entries, plays and families. Support for collections, search and threads is planned.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The following snippet retrieves data about a set of games, and coerces them into a data frame:

get_games(c(174430, 161936, 224517))
#> Fetching URL:,161936,224517&stats=1&versions=1&marketplace=1&videos=1&comments=1&ratingcomments=1&pagesize=100&page=1
#> # A tibble: 3 x 38
#>       id type  name  yearpublished description minage minplayers maxplayers
#> *  <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>         <chr>       <chr>  <chr>      <chr>     
#> 1 174430 boar… Gloo… 2017          Gloomhaven… 14     1          4         
#> 2 161936 boar… Pand… 2015          Pandemic L… 13     2          4         
#> 3 224517 boar… Bras… 2018          Brass: Bir… 14     2          4         
#> # … with 30 more variables: playingtime <drtn>, minplaytime <drtn>,
#> #   maxplaytime <drtn>, image <chr>, seriescode <chr>, releasedate <date>,
#> #   altnames <list>, playerage <list>, language <list>, usersrated <int>,
#> #   average <dbl>, bayesaverage <dbl>, stddev <dbl>, owned <int>,
#> #   trading <int>, wanting <int>, wishing <int>, numcomments <int>,
#> #   numweights <int>, averageweight <dbl>, artist <list>, category <list>,
#> #   designer <list>, expansion <list>, family <list>, implementation <list>,
#> #   integration <list>, mechanic <list>, publisher <list>, comments <list>

Play data can be obtained given a game id:

#> Fetching URL:
#> # A tibble: 100 x 12
#>    play_id page  item_id item_name user_id date       quantity length incomplete
#>  *   <int> <chr>   <int> <chr>       <int> <date>        <int> <drtn> <lgl>     
#>  1  4.60e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav…  464693 2020-10-24        1  NA m… FALSE     
#>  2  4.60e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav…  464693 2020-10-23        1  NA m… FALSE     
#>  3  4.60e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav…  464693 2020-10-23        1  NA m… FALSE     
#>  4  4.60e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav…  464693 2020-10-22        1  NA m… FALSE     
#>  5  4.60e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav…  464693 2020-10-21        1  NA m… FALSE     
#>  6  4.63e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav…  847807 2020-10-17        1  NA m… FALSE     
#>  7  4.63e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav…  265648 2020-10-17        1 245 m… FALSE     
#>  8  4.63e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav…  858330 2020-10-17        1  NA m… FALSE     
#>  9  4.63e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav… 1349419 2020-10-17        1  NA m… FALSE     
#> 10  4.63e7 1/25…  174430 Gloomhav…  598948 2020-10-17        1  NA m… FALSE     
#> # … with 90 more rows, and 3 more variables: nowinstats <int>, location <chr>,
#> #   players <list>

Multiple families can be obtained at once:

get_families(c(7544, 17634))
#> Fetching URL:,17634
#> # A tibble: 126 x 4
#>    family_id family_name    item_id item_name             
#>  *     <int> <chr>            <int> <chr>                 
#>  1      7544 Animals: Foxes  227837 Atlas: Enchanted Lands
#>  2      7544 Animals: Foxes  156405 Auf zur Fuchsjagd     
#>  3      7544 Animals: Foxes  197945 Ausgefuchst!          
#>  4      7544 Animals: Foxes   32814 Bears, Foxes & Hares  
#>  5      7544 Animals: Foxes  101760 Boxing the Fox        
#>  6      7544 Animals: Foxes  213822 Chicken Roundup       
#>  7      7544 Animals: Foxes   13790 Cottontail and Peter  
#>  8      7544 Animals: Foxes  199792 Everdell              
#>  9      7544 Animals: Foxes  289057 Everdell: Bellfaire   
#> 10      7544 Animals: Foxes   19625 Fantastic Mr Fox      
#> # … with 116 more rows

Built on

xml2, httr, tibble and the BGG API2 docs.

jchrom/geeks documentation built on Oct. 24, 2020, 9:01 a.m.