Man pages for jcizel/ecbapi
API to the ECB's Statistical Data Warehouse (SDW)

ecbAvailabilityecbAvailability: See which datasets are available via the ECB...
ecbDatasetecbDataset: download entire dataset from the ECB SDW
ecbReshapeecbReshape: Reshape ecbDataset or ecbSeries outputs into a...
ecbSeriesecbSeries: download matching data series from the ECB SDW
get_codelistsUtility function to obtain codelists
get_dataDownload an ECB dataset
get_datasetget_dataset: download entire dataset from ECB SDW
get_datasetsView all available datasets from a specified data source
get_datastructureGet SDMX datastructure of the dataset at ECB SDW
get_multiple_seriesDownload multiple series
get_seriesDownload an ECB dataset
get_series_amecoGet all available AMECO series
get_staticGet static information for the specified dataset.
infoinfo: get further information on the dataset
wildcard_matchWildcard match of series
jcizel/ecbapi documentation built on May 18, 2019, 10:24 p.m.