slfm-package: slfm: the sparse latent factor model package for R.

Description Details


Set of tools to find coherent patterns in microarray data using a Bayesian Sparse Latent Factor Model - SLFM (Duarte and Mayrink 2015 - Considerable effort has been put into making slfm fast and memory efficient, turning it an interesting alternative to simpler methods in terms of execution time. It implements versions of the SLFM based on two type of mixtures priors for the loadings: one relying on a degenerate component at zero and the other using a small variance normal distribution for the spike part of the mixture. It also implements additional functions to allow pre-processing procedures for the data and to fit the model for a large number of probesets or genes. Includes functions to:


* pre-process a set of matrices; * fit models to a set of matrices; * detailed summary of model fit.

jdanielnd/slfm documentation built on June 5, 2019, 8:47 p.m.