holoalphabetic: holoalphabetic: Interactive word games to find pangrams

Description holoalphabetic functions


Like the New York Times' "Spelling Bee", the package gives you a set of 7 or more letters and invites you to identify all possible words using those letters. Find the pangram which uses all 7, or simply identify as many words as possible with those letters. The word lists come from the Spell Checking Oriented Word Lists (SCOWL) by Kevin Atkinson, which can be found at http://wordlist.aspell.net/scowl-readme.

holoalphabetic functions

The primary functions in holoalphabetic are play_game, which lets you actually play the game, and create_game, which just sets a game up for you. For more information, look at the main github site, https://github.com/jdbest/holoalphabetic/

jdbest/holoalphabetic documentation built on Feb. 10, 2022, 10:11 p.m.