
#' Later
#' Treat a step within a sequence as happening at any point after any preceding
#' steps in the sequence, i.e. 'later'. 'Later' means 'followed by', but not
#' necessarily immediately.
#' @param object The expression that should precede others in the sequence.
#' @param ... Any other expressions that should follow the first one but before
#'   any others in the sequence.
#' @return A \code{gaSegmentSequenceStep} object, with the immediate flag not set.
#' @examples
#' purchased_sometime_later <- Later(Expr(~transactions > 0))
#' @family sequence segment functions
#' @export
  function(object, ...) {standardGeneric("Later")},
  valueClass = "gaSegmentSequenceStep"

#' Then
#' Treat a step within a sequence as happening immediately after any preceding
#' steps in the sequence, i.e. 'immediately following'.
#' @param object The expression that should \bold{immediately} precede others in
#'   the sequence.
#' @param ... Any other expressions that should \bold{immediately} follow the
#'   first one but before any others in the sequence.
#' @return A \code{gaSegmentSequenceStep} object, with the immediate flag set.
#' @examples
#' purchased_immediately_after <- Then(Expr(~transactions > 0))
#' @family sequence segment functions
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{Sequence}}
  function(object, ...) {standardGeneric("Then")},
  valueClass = "gaSegmentSequenceStep"

#' First
#' If used at the beginning of a sequence, indicates that this step must match
#' the first interaction of included sessions and users within the select date
#' range. First expressly means 'first interaction' within the date range.
#' @param object An expression that should be at the start of a sequence
#'   expression.
#' @param ... Any other expressions that should immediately follow the first
#'   expression.
#' @return A \code{gaSegmentSequenceStep} object, with the immediate flag set.
#' @examples
#' session_starts_from_home <- First(Expr(~pagepath == "/"))
#' @family sequence segment functions
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{Sequence}}
  function(object, ...) {standardGeneric("First")},
  valueClass = "gaSegmentSequenceStep"

#' Sequence
#' Create a new gaSequence object
#' @param object A sequence step or another expression that should be coerced to
#'   a sequence condition.
#' @param ... Other steps within the sequence condition, in the order in which
#'   they should be applied.
#' @param negation Logical TRUE or FALSE to match segments where this sequence
#'   has not occurred.
#' @param scope Optional scope, "users" or "sessions".
#' @examples
#' expr1 <- Expr(~pagepath == "/")
#' expr2 <- Expr(~eventCategory == "video")
#' expr3 <- Expr(~timeOnPage > 10)
#' expr4 <- Expr(~transactionRevenue > 10)
#' expr5 <- expr1 & expr2
#' expr6 <- Expr(~eventAction == "click")
#' expr7 <- Expr(~eventCategory == "video") & Expr(~eventAction == "play")
#' expr8 <- Expr(~source == "google")
#' Segment(
#'   PerUser(
#'     expr1,        # treat an expression as 'condition type segment filter' by default
#'     PerHit(expr3)
#'   ),
#'   Sequence(
#'     expr2,
#'     Then(expr4),  # 'then' means 'immediately followed by'.
#'     Later(expr5)  # 'later' means 'followed by', but not necessarily immediately.
#'   ),
#'   Sequence(
#'     First(expr6), # First expressly means 'first interaction' within the date range.
#'     Then(expr7),  # By default, treat an expression within a sequence as happening
#'     expr8         # at any point after any preceding steps in the sequence, i.e. 'later'.
#'   )
#' )
#' @family sequence segment functions
#' @export
  function(object, ..., negation, scope) {
    if (!missing(negation)) {
      warning("Argument 'negation' is deprecated. Instead, please wrap the sequence or condtion within an Include or Exclude call.")
  valueClass = "gaSegmentSequenceFilter"
jdeboer/ganalytics documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:30 p.m.