Man pages for jdjohn215/pollster
Calculate Crosstab and Topline Tables of Weighted Survey Data

crosstabweighted crosstabs
crosstab_3wayweighted 3-way crosstabs
deff_calcCalculate the design effect of a sample
illinoisIllinois respondents to the Voting and Registration...
moe_crosstabweighted crosstabs with margin of error
moe_crosstab_3wayweighted 3-way crosstabs with margin of error
moedeff_calcCalculate the margin of error (including design effect) of a...
moe_toplineweighted topline with margin of error
moe_wave_crosstabweighted crosstabs with margin of error, where the x-variable...
moe_wave_crosstab_3wayweighted 3-way crosstabs with margin of error, where the...
summary_tableweighted summary table
toplineweighted topline
wtd_meanweighted mean
jdjohn215/pollster documentation built on May 19, 2023, 4:34 p.m.