Man pages for jdthorpe/ajvr
Another JSON Schema Validator

AjvCreate an Ajv instnace.
ajv.addFormatA wrapper for the Ajv.addFormat method
ajv.addKeywordA wrapper for the Ajv.addKeyword method
ajv.addSchemaA wrapper for the Ajv.addSchema method
ajv.compileThe Ajv.compile method
ajv.errorsTextA wrapper for the Ajv.errorsText method
ajv.getSchemaThe Ajv.compile method
ajv.keywordA wrapper for the Ajv.addFormat method
ajv.removeSchemaA wrapper for the Ajv.removeSchema method
ajv.validateA wrapper for the Ajv.validate method
ajv.validateSchemaA wrapper for the Ajv.validateSchema method
jdthorpe/ajvr documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:37 p.m.