lesioncenters: Distinct Lesion Centers

View source: R/lesioncenters.R

lesioncentersR Documentation

Distinct Lesion Centers


This function finds the centers of distinct lesions based on a lesion probability map. The method is described in Dworkin et al., (2018).


lesioncenters(probmap, binmap, minCenterSize = 10, radius = 1,
  parallel = F, cores = 2)



a 3D array or image of class nifti, containing the probability that each voxel is a lesion voxel


a 3D array or nifti mask in which voxels are classified as either lesion voxels or not lesion voxels. Note that mask should be in the same space as the probmap volume


an integer value representing the minimum number of connected voxels that can be considered a lesion center


an integer specifying radius of the neighborhood (in voxels) for which the hessian should be calculated.


is a logical value that indicates whether the user's computer is Linux or Unix (i.e. macOS), and should run the code in parallel


if parallel = TRUE, cores is an integer value that indicates how many cores the function should be run on


A list containing lesioncenters (a nifti file with labeled lesion centers) and lesioncount (an integer value representing the number of distinct lesions)


J.D. Dworkin, K.A. Linn, I. Oguz, G.M. Fleishman, R. Bakshi, G. Nair, P.A. Calabresi, R.G. Henry, J. Oh, N. Papinutto, D. Pelletier, W. Rooney, W. Stern, N.L. Sicotte, D.S. Reich, R.T. Shinohara. An automated statistical technique for counting distinct multiple sclerosis lesions. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2018; 39, 626-633.


## Not run: 
lesion.probs <- readnii('path/to/probabilitymap')
centers <- lesioncenters(probmap = lesion.probs, binmap = lesion.probs>0.30,
                         parallel = TRUE, cores = 4) 
## End(Not run)

jdwor/lesiontools documentation built on May 24, 2022, 8:35 p.m.