Man pages for jdyen/trophic
Trophic Models of Energetics to Estimate Carrying Capacity

biomass_estimatesEstimate biomass for each node in a food web
dominance_matrixCreate a dominance_matrix object to use in a trophic...
efficiency_matrixCreate an efficiency_matrix object to use in a trophic...
example_datasetsExample food web data
food_webCreate a food_web object to use in a trophic projection
pb_ratioCreate a pb_ratio object to use in a trophic projection
primary_producersCreate a primary_producers object to use in a trophic...
production_estimatesEstimate production for each node in a food web
trophic_dynamicsCreate a trophic_dynamics object to use in a trophic...
jdyen/trophic documentation built on May 15, 2019, 3:19 p.m.