Man pages for jean997/bvpolar
Estimate Distribution of Angles from Bivariate Data

add_r_thetaUtility for adding r and theta to simulated data
get_grid_rChoose a reasonable set of uniform distributions to make up...
helloHello, World!
mixture_posteriorCalculate posterior mixture proportions
polar_est_r_mixture_uniEstimate the distribution or r from rhat
polar_est_tCalculate the distribution of theta given that r > 0
polar_lik_marg_rCalculate the marginal log likelihood log p(rhat | r) (which...
polar_lik_marg_tCalculate the (approximat) marginal log likelihood log...
polar_log_lik_marg_r_uniCalculate b*p(rhat | r uniform between 0 and b)= int_0^b...
polar_log_lik_rtCalculate log p(rhat, thetahat | r, theta)
polar_log_lik_rt2Calculate log p(rhat, thetahat_o | r, theta)
polar_log_lik_rt2_runiCalculate b*p(rhat, thetahat_o | theta (fixed), r uniform...
polar_log_lik_rt_runiCalculate b*p(rhat, thetahat | theta (fixed), r uniform...
polar_two_stage_uniGet posterior distribution of theta and empirical...
runimixSimulate observations from a mixture of uniforms
jean997/bvpolar documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:37 p.m.