Man pages for jeanimal/heuristica
Heuristics Including Take the Best and Unit-Weight Linear

accuracyFromConfusionMatrix3x3Accuracy based on a predictPair confusion matrix.
city_populationPopulation size of the 83 largest German cities.
city_population_originalOriginal, uncorrected Population size of the 83 largest...
collapseConfusionMatrix3x3To2x2Collapses a 3x3 confusion matrix to a 2x2 confusion matrix.
conditionalCueValidityCompleteCalculate conditional cue validity, which includes reversing...
confusionMatrixFor_Neg1_0_1Confusion matrix for categories -1, 0, 1 (the output of...
correctGreaterCreates function indicating whether row1[col] > row2[col].
createFunctionGeneric function to create functions for rowPairApply.
createFunction.heuristicsCreate function for heuristics prediction with rowPairApply.
cueAccuracyCalculate the accuracy of using a cue to predict a criterion.
cueValidityCalculate the cue validity.
cueValidityAppliedToColumnsCalculate the cue validity for the cols_to_fit columns.
cueValidityCompleteCalculate cue validity with reverse, cue directions, and cue...
distributeGuessAsExpectedValueDistributes guesses of 3x3 confusion matrix to expected value...
heuristicsWrap fitted heuristics to pass to rowPairApply to call...
heuristicsListWrapper for fitted heuristics to generate predictions with...
heuristicsProbWrap fitted heuristics to pass to rowPairApply to call...
highschool_dropoutChicago high school dropout rates.
lmWrapperCreate an lm model just specifying columns, generating a...
logRegModelLogistic Regression model using cue differences as predictors
minModelMinimalist Model
oneRowConvenience function to get one row from a matrix or data...
pairMatrixApply a function to all unique pairs of row indices up to...
percentCorrectPercent correct of heuristics' predictPair on test_data.
percentCorrectListPercent correct of a list of heuristics' predictPair on...
percentCorrectListNonSymmetricpercentCorrectList for non-symmetric heuristics
percentCorrectListReturnMatrixPercent correct of heuristics' predictPair on test_data,...
predictPairPredict which of a pair of rows has a higher criterion.
predictPairInternalGeneric function to predict which of a pair of rows has a...
predictPairProbPredict the probability that row1 has a higher criterion than...
predictPairSummaryReturns the row indices, correct answer, and predictions for...
predictProbInternalGeneric function to predict the probability row 1 has a...
probGreaterCreates function for one column with correct probability row1...
regInterceptModelLinear regression wrapper for hueristica
regModelLinear regression (no intercept) wrapper for hueristica
reverseRowsAndReverseColumnsReverse rows and columns of data
rowIndexesWrapper to output two columns, row 1 and row 2.
rowPairApplyApply functions to all row pairs.
rowPairApply2RowsApply all functions to the two rows passed in.
rowPairApplyListApply list of functions to all row pairs.
singleCueModelSingle Cue Model
statsFromConfusionMatrixAccuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and precision of 2x2...
ttbGreedyModelGreedy Take The Best
ttbModelTake The Best
unitWeightModelUnit-weight linear model
validityWeightModelValidity Weight Model, a linear model weighted by cue...
zzDocumentationStubFormulaModelParamsDocumentation stub. Just to share documentation.
zzDocumentationStubModelParamsDocumentation stub. Just a way to share parameter...
zzDocumentationStubReverseCuesDocumentation stub.
jeanimal/heuristica documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 9:56 p.m.