Man pages for jeanmarcgp/mlStocks
Machine Learning Predictive Analysis for Stocks

add_bestfeatureAdd the best feature from a list to improve an existing set
assess_featuresAssess the predictive power of a set of features using a...
extract_timeframesExtract the timeframe from a date column in one or multiple...
ml_gridwfoWalk-Forward Optimization using ML grid search at each WFO...
ml_trainpredictTrain and predict a Machine Learning model
pad_mlparPads a list of ML algorithm paramters with defaults if not...
plot_runparPlot the parameters for a simulation run
RMSECalculate the Root Mean Square Error of a 2 column matrix
subset_dfdatesSubsets a dataframe by dates
trade_overnightBuild an equity curve based on multiple successive overnight...
trading_returnsCalculate the average trading returns based on predicted...
jeanmarcgp/mlStocks documentation built on May 19, 2019, 12:38 a.m.