ppv: Potential path volume: 3D home range

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References See Also

View source: R/ppv.R


The function ppv computes the potential path volume (PPV) 3D home range. It is also a measure of the accessibility space of an animal in 3D. The PPV method considers the spatial and temporal constraints on movement given known telemetry fixes, and a (dynamic) measure of maximum mobility - termed Vmax.


ppv(traj, zcol = "z", vmax, vox)



an object of the class ltraj which contains the time-stamped movement fixes of the first object. Note this object must be a type II ltraj object. It also requires a column in the infolocs which provides the 3rd Dimension (height) infromation. For more information on objects of this type see help(ltraj).


(character string) giving the name of the column in the infolocs where the height attribute data is stored.


either a single vmax value giving the vmax value, or a vector, length n-1, giving the vmax value for each segment.


size of voxels in map units (e.g., if x,y,z are in meters then vox should be in meters).


parameter used to filter out those segments where the time between fixes is overly large (often due to irregular sampling or missing fixes); which leads to an overestimation of the activity space via the PPV method. Default is the maximum sampling interval from traj.


The function ppv represents an extension to an existing 2D home range method (Long and Nelson, 2012) for 3D. ADD MORE HERE.


This function returns a XX representing the ppv 3D home range measure, which can be interpreted as the 3D accessibility space of an individual animal.


Demsar, U, Long, JA (in review) Potential Path Volume (PPV): a geometric estimator for space use in 3D. In review at Movement Ecology.

Long, JA, Nelson, TA. (2012) Time geography and wildlife home range delineation. Journal of Wildlife Management, 76(2):407-413.

See Also

dynvmax dynppa

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