Man pages for jeff-hughes/simulateR
Test Statistical Models Through Simulation

gen_dataGenerate data through a factor matrix and effects matrix.
lm_error_varCalculate error variance given model coefficients.
n.simsReturn the number of simulations performed by a simulation.
n.sims.simulationReturn the number of simulations performed by a simulation.
resultsReturn results of a simulation.
results.simulationReturn results of a simulation.
simulateSimulate data and statistical models.
summary.simulationPrint summary of simulations.
testsReturn the tests performed by a simulation.
tests.simulationReturn the tests performed by a simulation.
timingReturn the timing information of a simulation.
timing.simulationReturn the timing information of a simulation.
jeff-hughes/simulateR documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:45 a.m.