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The goal of testlazyneuronlist is to test strategies for including large neuronlist objects in R packages. See for some discussion of the underlying issues/approaches.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


So far this approach works flawlessly for neuronlistfh objects (which naturally separate data and metadata) but is not yet optimal for neuronlist objects.

Specifically setting LazyData: true will make data objects available within the package namespace (and acessible via e.g. testlazyneuronlist::Cell07PNs) but it will also result in the duplication of data with (and corresponding disk space) for the installed package, since the objects will be present in both

Two possible avenues to explore could be

  1. To try and figure out if the lazy loaded object could remain a promise
  2. To see if extdata could delete itself after the lazyload db has been constructed

jefferis/testlazyneuronlist documentation built on May 3, 2019, 4:04 p.m.