Man pages for jeffreyevans/spatialEco
Spatial Analysis and Modelling Utilities

all_pairwiseAll pairwise combinations
annulus.matrixAnnulus matrix
antsAnt Biodiversity Data
aspline.downscaleRaster Downscale using adaptive regression splines
backgroundBackground sample
bbox_polyBounding box polygon
bearing.distanceBearing and Distance
breeding.densityBreeding density areas (aka, core habitat areas)
built.indexbuilt index
cgls_urlsProvide URL's for Copernicus Global Land Service datasets
chaeCanine-Human Age Equivalent
chenCross-correlation data from Chen (2015)
classBreaksClass breaks
collinearCollinearity test
combineraster combine
concordanceConcordance test for binomial models
conf.intervalConfidence interval for mean or median
convexHullAlpha Convex Hull
cor.dataVarious correlation structures
crossCorrelationSpatial cross correlation
cross.tabClass comparison between two nominal rasters
csiCosine Similarity Index
curvatureSurface curvature
dahiDiurnal Anisotropic Heat Index
date_seqdate sequence
daymet.pointDAYMET point values
daymet.tilesDAYMET Tile ID's
dispersionDispersion (H-prime)
effect.sizeCohen's-d effect size
elevElevation raster
erase.pointErase points
extract.verticesExtract vertices for polygons or lines
fuzzySumFuzzy Sum
gaussian.kernelGaussian Kernel
geo.bufferBuffer geographic data
group.pdfProbability density plot by group
hliHeat Load Index
hli.ptPoint estimate of Heat Load Index
hspHierarchical Slope Position
hybrid.kmeansHybrid K-means
idw.smoothingInverse Distance Weighted smoothing
impute.loessImpute loess
insertInsert a row or column into a data.frame
insert.valuesInsert Values
kendallKendall tau trend with continuity correction for time-series
kl.divergenceKullback-Leibler divergence (relative entropy)
knnSpatial K nearest neighbor
laiLeaf Area Index
local.min.maxLocal minimum and maximum
loess.bootLoess Bootstrap
loess.ciLoess with confidence intervals
logistic.regressionLogistic and Auto-logistic regression
max_extentMaximum extent of multiple rasters
mean_angleMean Angle
morans.plotAutocorrelation Plot
nniAverage Nearest Neighbor Index (NNI)
nth.valuesNth values
oli.awsQuery AWS-OLI
optimized.sample.varianceOptimized sample variance
o.ringInhomogeneous O-ring
overlapNiche overlap (Warren's-I)
parea.samplePercent area sample
parse.bitsParse bits
partial.corPartial and Semi-partial correlation
plot.effect.sizePlot effect size
plot.loess.bootPlot Loess Bootstrap
polyPerimeterPolygon perimeter
poly.regressionLocal Polynomial Regression
poly_trendPolynomial trend
pp.subsamplePoint process random subsample
print.cross.corPrint spatial cross correlation
print.effect.sizePrint effect size
print.loess.bootPrint Loess bootstrap model
print.poly.trendPrint poly_trend
proximity.indexProximity Index
pseudo.absencePseudo-absence random samples
puBiodiversity Planning Units
random.rasterRandom raster
raster.changeRaster change between two nominal rasters
rasterCorrelationRaster correlation
raster.deviationRaster local deviation from the global trend
rasterDistanceRaster Distance
raster.downscaleRaster Downscale
raster.entropyRaster Entropy
raster.gaussian.smoothGaussian smoothing of raster
raster.invertInvert raster
raster.kendallKendall tau trend with continuity correction for raster...
raster.mdsRaster multidimensional scaling (MDS)
raster.modified.ttestDutilleul moving window bivariate raster correlation
raster.momentsRaster moments
raster.transformationStatistical transformation for rasters
raster.volRaster Percent Volume
raster.ZscoreModified z-score for a raster
remove_duplicatesRemove duplicate geometries
remove.holesRemove or return polygon holes
rm.extRemove extension
rotate.polygonRotate polygon
sample.annulusSample annulus
sampleTransectSample transect
sarSurface Area Ratio
sa.transTrigonometric transformation of a slope and aspect...
sf_dissolveDissolve polygons
sf.kdeSpatial kernel density estimate
sg.smoothSavitzky-Golay smoothing filter
shannonsShannon's Diversity (Entropy) Index
sieveSieve raster data
similarityEcological similarity
smooth.time.seriesSmooth Raster Time-series
sobalSobel-Feldman operator
spatialEcoNewsspatialEco news
spatial.selectSpatial Select
spectral.separabilityspectral separability
spherical.sdSpherical Variance or Standard Deviation of Surface
squareBufferSquare buffer
srrSurface Relief Ratio
stratified.randomStratified random sample
subsample.distanceDistance-based subsampling
summary.cross.corSummary of spatial cross correlation
summary.effect.sizeSummarizing effect size
summary.loess.bootSummarizing Loess bootstrap models
swviSenescence weighted Vegetation Index (swvi)
time_to_eventTime to event
TM5Landsat 5 TM Scene
topo.distanceTopographic distance
tpiTopographic Position Index (tpi)
traspSolar-radiation Aspect Index
triTerrain Ruggedness Index
vrmVector Ruggedness Measure (VRM)
winsorizeWinsorize transformation
wt.centroidWeighted centroid
jeffreyevans/spatialEco documentation built on April 4, 2024, 10:53 a.m.